Star Clusters & Associations II. Globular Clusters

The catalog is the complete bibliographical listing for globular clusters from the second edition of the "Catalogue of Star Clusters and Associations (CSCA)" edited by Alter et al. (1970), and the "Supplement to the CSCA" by Ruprecht et al. (1981). Thus, it covers the literature through 1973. The file "main" contains the original data: for each cluster, the first line contains the running number (GCL) followed by designations used by various authors; the second line contains the 1950 coordinates, the 50-yr precession, the galactic coordinates, the galactic direction cosines and the position on the POSS charts; the lines following provide the following parameters: YEAR: Year of the literature reference NAME: Author PUBLICATION: Reference AD: Apparent diameter of the cluster (arcmin) DIST: Distance of the cluster (pc) LD: Linear diameter of the cluster (pc) N: Number of stars studied CE: Color excess SP: Integrated spectrum RV: Radial velocity (km/s) MT: Total (integrated) magnitude NOTE: Notes The file "clusters" has been created from second lines; missing positions were filled with the help of the SIMBAD data-base .

Cone search capability for table VII/44B/clusters (List of globular clusters)

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Metadata Access
Creator Ruprecht J.; Balazs B.; White R.E.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 1997
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Physics; Stellar Astronomy