Here, we present data from the marine core from Meteor Site KL 15 drilled in 1987 during R/V Meteor cruise 5/2 at station 259 (12.85738°N, 47.41707°E). The XRF data was measured using the Avvatech XRF Core Scanner III (Serial No. 12) at MARUM (Bremen, Germany). As summarized in the age model, the record spans the past 546 thousand years at a high sampling resolution of 1 cm with a total core length of 21.67 m. The XRF data has three major groups, as explained in detail in our related research article: The first group includes the subgroup of aluminum and silicon, potassium, iron and titanium, zirconium, and rubidium. The second group is strontium and calcium, and the third group, with the highest Euclidian distance to the rest of the dataset, includes only bromine. Sediment composition at Meteor Site KL 15 is predominantly controlled by carbonate, as suggested by the high carbonate contents of ca. 56% and their variability of 45 to 65% (Stein et al., 2007). In our related research article, we use the log ratio of titanium and aluminum as a proxy for aeolian input.