Replication data for "A water-soluble polyphosphorhydrazone Janus dendrimer b...
Replication data for "A water-soluble polyphosphorhydrazone Janus dendrimer built by “click” chemistry as support for Ru-complexes in catalysis". Bruker Topspin, 4.1.1 or higher... -
Kelp holobiont responses to run-off in Billefjorden, Svalbard in August 2022
Kelps act as ecosystem engineers and foundation species, providing the food web basis for Arctic coastal, rocky shore ecosystems. Arctic fjords are undergoing large climatic... -
X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data of sediment core GeoB24351-1, 30 kV run
X-Ray fluorescence (XRF) scans were carried out for core GeoB24351-1 (Gelendzhik MV; 0-284 cm) in 10 mm steps downcore on the split core surface of the archive half with the XRF... -
Elemental composition of sediment of the ANDRILL AND1-1 drill core in correct...
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Elemental composition of sediment of the ANDRILL AND1-1B drill core in raw va...
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Geochemistry measured on discrete samples of the ANDRILL AND1-1 drill core
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XRF data from marine core KL 15 taken in Gulf of Aden during R/V Meteor cruis...
Here, we present data from the marine core from Meteor Site KL 15 drilled in 1987 during R/V Meteor cruise 5/2 at station 259 (12.85738°N, 47.41707°E). The XRF data was measured... -
µ-XRF core scanning of lake sediment cores from Onepoto Basin (New Zealand)
The presented data forms the basis for the reconstruction of the depositional history of Onepoto maar lake (Northern New Zealand) as a response to regional and global drivers of... -
Water chemistry in the Kangerlussuaq region, Greenland
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Aquatic biota chemistry of surface sediments in the Kangerlussuaq region, Gre...
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(Table 1) Concentrations of platinum-group elements and rhenium in sediments ...
Concentrations are given for dry sediments. -
Iridium group element concentration of DSDP Hole 92-597
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Iridium group element concentration of DSDP Hole 92-597A
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Iridium group element concentration of ODP Hole 104-643A
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Iridium group element concentration of ODP Hole 104-642B
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(Table T3) Bulk rock geochemistry of samples from ODP Hole 176-735B
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. A 0 value means below detection limit. -
(Table 2) Contents of noble metals in phosphorites and bottom sediments
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(Table 1) Precious metal contents in rocks from the fracture zone at 15°20'N,...
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(Table 5) Platinum group element and noble metal contents in ocean ferromanga...
Numbers (_1, _2 etc.) added to sample labels denote individual layers. 1 denotes an outer layer. -
(Table 1) Platinum-group, major, and trace element abundances in ODP Hole 183...
Zero values = below detection limit