This Mikrozensus special survey from March 1996 is similar to the ones from previous years - the European Labour Force Survey (LFS). This special program is identical to the one of the previous year was conducted wholly according to international standards. For many years the European Union has obligated its member countries to annually conduct a standardised labour force survey in spring. Since joining the EU 1995, Austria as a EU-member has to conduct this survey too. The relevance of this survey lies in the fact that the results on employment and unemployment from the LFS directly influences the financial support the Austria regions receive from the European Union. In addition, the data is also used for other support measures (for instance for certain population groups such as teenagers) and for the European administrations general need for information. Therefore, the basis for this survey was laid down in a European policy (Council Directive EWG No. 3711/91 from 16th December 1991 on the conduction of an annual sampling on the labour force in the Union) This directive also states that member countries can make the answering of the survey compulsive for the population. The ÖSTAT nevertheless wants the participation in the survey to remain voluntary.
Probability: Stratified: Disproportional
Face-to-face interview