Data from transcriptomic analysis conducted on frontal cortex tissue of mice acutely exposed to ibogaine (60 mg/kg). Frontal cortex samples were obtained after four hours of oral administration. Samples were prepared for RNA sequencing. Fist of all, RNA was extracted using the Purelink RNA mini kit and quantified by a Qubit 2.0 Fluorometer. After that, the quality of the RNA was assessed using the Agilent TapeStation team and the Agilent RNA ScreeTape Assay. Sequencing libraries were created from 0.75 μg of RNA samples using the Illumina Stranded mRNA Prep and quantified by microfluidic electrophoresis using Agilent's TapeStation equipment and the Agilent DNA High Sensitivity ScreenTape kit. The length and concentration were determined in each sample. Finally, pools with a concentration of 750 pM were created. These pool sequencing libraries were done using NextSeq200 equipment from Illumina. The obtained data was mapped against a reference genome by the alignment program HISAT2 2.2.1, and annotation and quantification of the reads was done by the StringTie 2.1.4. Three database were generated: Counts_All.csv, Counts_Females.csv and Counts_Males.csv, the first being the main file with all the data obtained, while the other two present modifications. The control and IBO groups of men or women were eliminated according to the interest of the analysis. Gene database was screened for outliers which were then eliminated and analyzed using R 4.3.0 and its package DESeq 1.40.1.