In wave 2 of the longitudinal survey New Families in the Netherlands (NFN) we re-approached: (1) parents with minor children who divorced or separated from a cohabiting union after 2009 (main sample); and (2) a control group of cohabiting/married parents (intact families). In addition, we approached a (3) refreshment sample of parents who divorced/separated after 2009. These samples were randomly drawn from Dutch population registers. The second wave took place about three years after the first wave, i.e. in 2015-2016. The aim was to study changes in parent’s legal arrangements (i.e., child residence arrangements) and longer term outcomes for parents and children. In addition, some new topics specific to postdivorce family living were covered. Respondents filled in a web-survey and were sent a paper-and-pencil questionnaire at the final reminder. In total, 2544 parents from the main sample participated, 1336 from the control group of intact families and 920 from the refreshment sample.
Researchers using the NFN data are asked to include an acknowledgment and a reference to the codebook (see codebook section 1: Use of data).