As part of the FOAM project, the GEOCEAN NC 2019 campaign was focused on the sea level question, with geodetic measurements using both bottom pressure sensors (deployment of 5 tide gauge) and GPS systems (deployment of various floating platforms). The data collected has several objectives: 1. Quantifying the setup and its variations in the Lagoon over a profile ranging from the coral reef to the Noumea tide gauge. 2. Acquiring in situ sea level data under altimetry satellite tracks for the purposes of satellite calibration/validation studies. 3. Acquiring and improving the GPS data processing procedure for sea level mapping.
This campaign took place between 3 and 15 October 2019, on board the R/V ALIS in the Noumea lagoon, with the support and assistance of the IRD, Shom, DITTT and the US IMAGO team from the IRD in Noumea.