The data contains isotopic and chemical results of bone collagen of faunal remains from four Upper Palaeolithic sites dated to the Early Gravettian (Krems‐Hundssteig and Krems‐Wachtberg: 33–31 ka cal BP, Langenlois: 31–29 ka cal BP) and to the Early Epigravettian (Kammern‐Grubgraben: 24–20 ka cal BP). Palaeoenvironmental changes and palaeofood web structures were investigated using carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes on animal bone collagen.
Isotopic and chemical results of bone collagen. A single measurement was carried out for sample HU-348/9. The abbreviation 'n.d.' means 'not determined'. The absolute difference (AD) between individual measured values of a single sample is given for samples measured in duplicate (n = 2). Standard deviations (SDs) are given for all other samples measured in triplicates (n = 3). At the bottom of the table, samples are listed that were not used in the evaluation (tooth samples, samples from Archaeological horizon (AH) 1/Archaeological layer (AL) 1, and outliers as defined in Reiss et al. 2023).