The decision on starting a diagnostic trajectory for dementia is considered a preference-based decision since the considerations and values of patients regarding the timing of initiating testing may vary given the lack of an effective medicine for dementia. In order increase the number of timely dementia diagnoses (i.e. a diagnosis at the time patients and their significant others perceive they can benefit most from a diagnosis) shared decision-making in general practice needs to be facilitated. The goal of the S-DeciDeD project was to develop a patient decision-aid to improve shared decision-making regarding dementia diagnosis in general practice.
First, in order to develop the patient decision-aid qualitative semi-structured interviews were conducted with patients with memory complaints, their significant others and general practitioners (GPs)/practice-based nurses to explore their experiences and preferences in the decision-making process for starting a diagnostic trajectory for dementia. In total, 14 GPs, 2 practice based nurses, 20 patients with memory complaints and 15 significant others were interviewed between March 2020 and December 2021.
Second, after the development of the patient decision aid GPs and patients with memory complaints were interviewed about their experiences with the patient decision aid. In total, 5 GPs , 4 practice-based nurses, 3 patients and 2 significant others were interviewed between March and September 2022. Moreover, online users completed a questionnaire on the acceptability of the patient decision aid. 94 users completed the questionnaire. A subset of these users were interviewed about their experience with the patient decision aid, 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted.
The decision aid is published at and can be found here :