Scripts and data for: Microorganisms in subarctic soils are depleted of ribosomes under short-, medium-, and long-term warming


This dataset contains all data files and R-scripts needed to replicate the analyses presented in the manuscript: "Microorganisms in subarctic soils are depleted of ribosomes under short-, medium-, and long-term warming" The study investigates the effects of seasonal temperature differences and weeks, years, and decades of soil warming on the microbial protein biosynthesis machineries (i.e., ribosomes), the most abundant cellular macromolecular complexes, using RNA:DNA and RNA:MBC (microbial biomass carbon) ratios as proxies for cellular ribosome contents. It is recommended to execute the R-scripts in their given order (file numbers). See related publication for additional details. The manuscript has been submitted for review and will be added upon acceptance. For individual contributors see related publication.

R, 4.2.2

Related Identifier IsCitedBy
Metadata Access
Creator Söllinger, Andrea ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNO
Contributor Söllinger, Andrea; UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Publication Year 2024
Funding Reference H2020 ; Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions ; Tromsø Research Foundation 17_SG_ATT ; German Research Foundation BO 5559/1-1 ; European Union 813114
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Söllinger, Andrea (UiT The Arctic University of Norway)
Resource Type observational data; Dataset
Format text/plain; type/x-r-syntax
Size 4751; 5276569; 6706889; 6014850; 1867; 18855; 1601; 19142; 18830; 21823; 3713; 24484; 36760; 5546; 7510; 14755; 18619; 46880; 4441; 13300; 14166; 701809878; 18723; 12053; 5572352; 600431
Version 1.1
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Life Sciences; Medicine; Medicine and Health; Natural Sciences; Physiology