Migration and the reshaping of consumption patterns 2018


This survey is a longitudinal online survey which has been administered to students enrolled in two Chinese universities who are studying in China or are abroad attending an exchange program. Two universities participated in the survey: the Beijing Normal University (BNU) and the University of Nottingham at Ningbo (UNN). The survey is composed by six modules (A-F) in which the respondents are asked questions on a broad variety of topics, such as personal and parental Information, consumption habits, networks, migration attitudes, preference and satisfaction.Internal migration in China has rapidly increased in the past thirty years. Fuelled by the reforms initiated at the end of 1970s, the largest move of labour force in history started taking place, with an enormous amount of individuals temporarily leaving rural areas to work in urban areas attracted by better economic conditions. In this context, our proposed project aims at investigating how migration reshapes the consumption patterns of migrants and other individuals indirectly affected by migration, with particular attention to implications in terms of consumption inequality. Our focus is on both the Great Migration in China and the Chinese diaspora in the EU.

On-line survey: Wave 1(N=601), Wave 2(N=203). The online fieldwork of the first wave went from January 2018 to April 2018, and the second wave took place in July 2018.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-853515
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=f6b8336bf068548891f4a14cde11d98a1f0dd2283acfe71c596ef02725d0e794
Creator Giulietti, C, University of Southampton
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2019
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights Corrado Giulietti, University of Southampton; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service. All requests are subject to the permission of the data owner or his/her nominee. Please email the contact person for this data collection (cc'ing in the ReShare inbox) to request permission to access the data, explaining your reason for wanting access to the data.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Numeric
Discipline Economics; Social and Behavioural Sciences
Spatial Coverage China