CIRCASA DELIVERABLE D1.3 “The science base of a strategic research agenda - Executive Summary”


A summary presenting the challenges for soil carbon sequestration research, hypothesis to be further tested and key research (and innovation) products.

Metadata Access
Creator Bray A.W.; Kim J.H.; Schrumpf M.; Peacock C.; Banwart S.; Schipper L.; Angers D.; Chirinda N.; Lopes Zinn Y.; Albrecht A.; Kuikman P.; Jouquet P.; Demenois J.; Farrell M.; Fontaine S.; Soussana J.-F.; Kuhnert M.; Milne E.; Taghizadeh-Toosi A.; Cerri C.E.P.; Corbeels M.; Cardinael R.; Alcántara Cervantes V.; Olesen J.E; Batjes N.; Heuvelink G.; Maia S.M.F.; Keesstra S.; Claessens L.; Madari B.E; Verchot L.; Nie W.; Brunelle T.; Moran M.; Frank S.; Bodle R.; Frelih-Larsen A.; Dougill A.; Montanarella L.; Stringer L.; Chenu C.; Hiederer R.; Smith P.; Arias-Navarro C.
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor Arias Navarro, Cristina
Publication Year 2019
Rights etalab 2.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Arias Navarro, Cristina (INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique)
Resource Type Other; Dataset
Format application/pdf
Size 1879951
Version 1.1
Discipline Geosciences; Soil Sciences; Earth and Environmental Science