European Election Study 1999 is a survey of the voting age population in the member states of the European Union. The study concerns the European elections of 1999. The survey was fielded immidiately following these elections.Data of the other EES surveys held in 1979, 1984, 1989, 1994 and 2004 are directly accessible via the EES website: topics:Most important problems in each country / which political party solves problems best / r.: how many days watch news, read paper, which newsprogramme, which paper / how much attention does r. pay to politics, economy, social issues, Europe / did r. vote for European elections, which party / prior to elections: did r. watch programmes on television, read newspaper reports, talk to friends or family, attend public meeting, look into website, about elections / was r. interested in campaign before elections / vote for which party: if elections now, last national elections / probability of r. voting for different parties / r.'s opinion on importance of, and satisfaction with: European integration, immigration and refugies, economy, environment, whose job is it to deal with those issues / political left-right rating / membership of EU good or bad / r. prepared to pay more taxes to help other country in EU / is unification pushed too far or should be pushed further / does r. approve of national governments record / is r. interested in politics / r. satisfied with democracy in own country, EU / r. feels (not) well informed about politics of EU / politics complicated / politicians more interested in fighting each other than in the common interest / voting is important / age / year stopped education / (someone in household) member of trade union / is r. close to any party, which / size of household / work situation / class, self rating / rural-urban / religion, how often attend religious services / net income.