Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The English House Condition Survey (EHCS) was a national survey of housing in England, commissioned by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). The survey was originally called the National House Condition Survey and covered England and Wales. The information obtained through the survey provides an accurate picture of the type, condition and energy efficiency of housing in England, the people living there, and their views on housing and their neighbourhoods. The survey covers all tenure types. The EHCS ran quinquennially from 1967-2001. From 2002, the survey moved to a continuous basis and the data were provided as a two-year rolling sample of approximately 16,000 cases (i.e. the data for 2003 cover information collected from April 2002 to March 2004, data for 2004 comprise information collected from April 2003 to March 2005). From April 2008, the EHCS merged with the Survey of English Housing (SEH) (available at the UK Data Archive under GN 33277) to form the English Housing Survey (EHS) (available at the Archive under GN 33422). Further information can be found on the English House Condition Survey and English Housing Survey web pages.
The 1986 survey was the fifth in the five-yearly series. These surveys provide the Department of the Environment with the major source of information to assist in the development and monitoring of policies on the repair and improvement of the housing stock. The Interview Survey collected information from householders on household composition, income and work done to property by themselves and/or landlords as well as attitudes and satisfaction with state of repair. The Market Value Survey collected information on market value as at date of survey and market value if all defects were rectified. The Physical Survey is available from the UKDA under SN 2995.
Main Topics:
Interview Survey Household composition and characteristics; financial circumstances; nature and cost of improvement and repair works undertaken by themselves and landlord; effectiveness of heating arrangements in the home. Market Value Survey Current market values; current market values if all defects rectified (both as at 1st November 1986). Spatial Units County and Local Authority Area indicators are included but sample sizes are very small at this level and analysis should not be undertaken below regional or, in some cases, national level.
Multi-stage stratified random sample
Annex D of the main published report gives full details of the sampling procedures.
Face-to-face interview
Market Value Survey