Inter-Nucleosomal Potentials from Nucleosomal Positioning Data [Research Data]


This dataset accompanies the paper "Inter-Nucleosomal Potentials from Nucleosomal Positioning Data." In this paper, a systematic ​method to develop inter-nucleosomal potentials between nucleosomes along a chromosome is focused. To this purpose, a modified Lennard-Jones potential is applied based on nucleosomal positioning data. The method is tested on the Candida albicans genome. The calculated potentials for all chromosomes for Candida albicans and their compressibility derived from potential-based simulations are included.

In this dataset: "Potential01_100000.like_bed" contains the inter-nucleosomal potentials between nucleosomes for Candida albicans. Potentials are represented by four crucial parameters: parameter sigma is the scale for the modified Lennard-Jones potential; epsilon is the amplitude; delta is the exponents for the first term; and nu is the exponents for the second term. The meaning of columns are: chromosome_name, start_position, end_posiiton, section_index, sigma, epsilon, delta, nu, compressibility. “compress01_100000.out” contains the block density result for chromosome 2. The header is three “0” + the number of bins in the separation. The rest is section_index, slope, intercept + the block density result of the corresponding bin separation. "ICPC-source.tar.gz" is the source code.

Python, 2.7.16 (3.x supported)

C++ (gcc), 8.3.0

Metadata Access
Creator Li, Kunhe; Oiwa, Nestor N.; Mishra, Sujeet K.; Heermann, Dieter W.
Publisher heiDATA
Contributor Heermann, Dieter W.; Li, Kunhe
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact Heermann, Dieter W. (Heidelberg University, Institute for Theoretical Physics)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/octet-stream; application/x-gzip
Size 6460; 136391; 25381
Version 1.1
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine; Natural Sciences; Physics
Spatial Coverage Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University, Germany