Material for the determination of suspended particulate matter (SPM), total particulate carbon (TPC) and total particulate nitrogen (TPN) was obtained by filtering 300-700 mL water samples on pre-weighed, precombusted (450°C for >5 hours) 47mm Whatmann GF/F (0.7 µm) filters. The filters were dried overnight at 60°C and vacuum-sealed for storage in petri dishes kept at room temperature until analysis. SPM was calculated as the difference in dry weight between individually-marked filters before and after filtration (Doxaran et al., 2012; doi:10.5194/bg-9-3213-2012). Concentrations of TPC and TPN were determined using a Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen (CHN) analyzer (Perkin Elmer) following methods described in Doxaran et al. (2012; doi:10.5194/bg-9-3213-2012).
Empty cells = NA