Marine data from continuous acquisition systems on board the R/V Miguel Oliver in Spanish waters in the framework of Air-Sea interaction studies (2014-2023)


This dataset combines meteorological and sea surface (thermosalinometer) data collected between 2014 and 2023 aboard the R/V Miguel Oliver, owned and operated by the Spanish General Secretariat of Fisheries. These data have been analyzed within the framework of air-sea interaction flux studies along Spanish waters. Although atmospheric pressure data are not available in the considered records—making it impossible to calculate air-sea fluxes using the bulk approximation—the remaining variables retain scientific value and are therefore revised, included and presented in this dataset. Meteorological variables include air temperature (DRYT), relative humidity (RELH), wind speed (WSPD), and total incident radiation (RDIN), which encompasses both longwave and shortwave components. Although RDIN is not directly used for flux calculations, it is included because it complements the heat storage balance of the ocean alongside the flux variables. The sea surface temperature is stored as TEMP. The monthly files are stored in monthly Medar/Medatlas-format (Lowry et al., 2024). with hourly resolution. They are named as follows: "29MO_YYYYMM.dat", where "29MO" identifies the vessel (according to C17 SeaDataNet vocabulary),"YYYY" represents the year, and "MM" indicates the month. The dataset has undergone quality control procedures in accordance with SeaDataNet guidelines (Schaap and Lowry, 2010). As per the Medar/Medatlas format, quality control flags are included in an additional column to supplement the described variables

Metadata Access
Creator Sanchez Lorente, Angel; Tel, Elena
Publisher SEANOE
Publication Year 2024
Rights CC-BY
OpenAccess true
Contact SEANOE
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Marine Science