

Abstract:Study: Characterization of the physiological variations of the metabolome in algae exposed to 3 different abiotic stress (salt concentration). Dataset: The dataset contains 12 mzXML files created from Agilent RAW GC-MS file. 4 replicats per conditions: i) Condition 01: Fresh water strain in 1.6 ppt NaCl; ii) Condition 02: Fresh water strain in 32 ppt NaCl; iii) Condition 03: Sea water strain in 32 ppt NaCl. Workflow: The workflow consists of the following steps: preprocessing with metaMS (runGC function) then Golm Metabolom Databases online search for annotation. The peakspectra.msp file can be exported and search locally against NIST database with MSsearch software (see "how to" section on W4M portal). The dataMatrix generated by metaMS is used for PCA analysis. Comments: Please note that, the original publication of the study by Dittami et al do not include the presented GCMS data or their multivariate interpretation.

format:Workflow4Metabolomics Galaxy histories

DOI https://doi.org/10.15454/1.4811272313071519E12
Metadata Access https://entrepot.recherche.data.gouv.fr/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=doi:10.15454/1.4811272313071519E12
Creator Yann Guitton; Sophie Goulitquer
Publisher Recherche Data Gouv
Contributor pfem
Publication Year 2018
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
OpenAccess true
Contact pfem (www.inra.fr)
Resource Type Workflow; Dataset
Version 2.0
Discipline ['ectocarpus']; ['algae']; ['gcms']; ['preprocessing']; ['statistics']; ['annotation']