Variable stars in the field of NGC 6558

We made a survey of the variable stars in a 13.2x13.2 arcmin^2^ centred on the field of the Galactic bulge cluster NGC 6558. A total of 78 variables were found in the field of the cluster. Many of these variables are included in the catalogue of variable stars in Galactic globular clusters (Clement et al. 2001), OGLE or Gaia DR3 data releases. A membership analysis based on the proper motions of Gaia DR3 revealed that many of these variables do not belong to the cluster. We employed the data from the aforementioned surveys and our own data in the VI photometric system to estimate the periods, which along with the light-curves morphology and position in a deferentially dereddened colour-magnitude diagram (CMD), help classifying the variable types. Two new member variables were found; an eclipsing binary (V18) and a semiregular SR/L (V19). In the end, we conclude that only nine variables are likely cluster members. Member variables were used to discuss the mean metallicity and distance of the parental cluster and find the average values.

Cone search capability for table J/MNRAS/532/2159/tablea (*General data for variables in the field of the cluster (table A2) and crossmatch between OGLE and Gaia DR3 (table A1))

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Metadata Access
Creator Arellano Ferro A.; Zerpa Guillen L.J.; Yepez M.A.; Bustos Fierro I.H..,Prudil Z.; Perez Parra C.E.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2024
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy