Data needed to reproduce the figures of "The effect of Vaccination on post-CO...
Four semi-synthetic datasets in csv format and R code as a qmd file which reproduce the figures in the paper Meister et al. The effect of Vaccination on post-COVID-19 major... -
Munich-Oberpostdirektion flux footprints
A collection of flux footprints for the Munich-Oberpostdirektion flux-tower in Germany at 30-minute temporal resolution. Each dataset contains up to 48 footprints with the... -
Near real time fluxes
Collection of hourly CO2 fluxes for 2017-2023, containing hourly estimates of biospheric fluxes, anthropogenic emissions (total and per sector), GFAS fire emissions and Jena... -
Code and training dataset for the publication entitled: "A combined microflui...
Experiment Data & Analysis Overview This repository contains raw data, code and analysis scripts related to experiments performed in the ‘A combined microfluidic deep... -
Elements of Geodetic and Astrometric Very Long Baseline Interferometry
This text is an open tutorial document for educational purposes, e.g., for newcomers to geodetic and astrometric Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) but also for the... -
Dataset supporting publication: "Remote-sensing based control of 3D magnetic ...
About the dataset This dataset supports a study where precise 3D magnetic field control is achieved using a hexapole electromagnet system combined with a multi-layer perceptron... -
Data related to article "Advanced quantification of receptor–ligand interacti...
Simulated data files Simulated single-molecule tracks for characterizing the algorithm described in the article. char_short_sim.h5, char_n_tracks_sim_1.0.h5, and... -
Der Engel mit dem Lorbeerkranz von der Tambourkuppel der Wiener Karlskirche
Vordiplom von Anna-Maria Tupy an der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien, Institut für Konservierung und Restaurierung bei o. Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Gabriela Krist und... -
Data for "Two-particle calculations with quantics tensor trains -- solving th...
This data repository contains the original figures, numerical (raw) data and plot scripts to reproduce the figures from the publication "Two-particle calculations with quantics... -
Antisemitismus unter Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden in Deutschland: Aktuell...
Es werden Ergebnisse von zwei bundesweiten Online-Umfragen bei repräsentativen Stichproben von in Deutschland lebenden Jugendlichen im Alter von 16 bis 21 Jahren zur... -
Beserman multimedia corpus
Beserman multimedia corpus This deposit contains transcriptions of monologues and conversations in spoken Beserman (formerly classified as a dialect of Udmurt, ISO 639-2 code... -
Antisemitismus unter Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden in Deutschland. Aktuel...
Prof. Dr. Peter Wetzels (Universität Hamburg, Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft, Institut für Kriminologie) (Online Vorlesung für die Hochschule... -
Befunde des Forschungsverbundes MOTRA zum Thema Antisemitismus. Vortrag anläs...
In diesem Vortrag werden Ergebnisse des Forschungsverbundes MOTRA zur Verbreitung, sozialen Verteilung und zeitlichen Entwicklung antisemitischer Hasskriminalität und... -
Einblicke in die aktuelle MOTRA-Forschung. Vortrag gehalten auf der MOTRA-K 2...
In diesem Vortrag wird ein Überblick über die Resultate der empirischen Forschung des Forschungsverbundes MOTRA zur Verbreitung extremismusaffiner Einstellungen,... -
Dissertation Keno Tetzlaff
Dissertation Keno Tetzlaff -
Datensatz zur Disseration von Vincent Mittag
Die ZIP-Datei beinhaltet den Datensatz zur Dissertation von Vincent Mittag https://ediss.sub.uni-hamburg.de/handle/ediss/11506 -
Der Einfluss von Krieg, Klimawandel und Migration auf Autokratieakzeptanz in ...
This paper investigates how global conflicts and crises influence public attitudes toward democracy in Germany, particularly fears related to war, climate change, and migration.... -
Evidence Checks for the 2025 Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting...
In 2025, Marie Curie, in partnership with the James Lind Alliance (JLA) and other organisations, undertook a Palliative and End of Life Care Priority Setting Partnership... -
NLPEER: A Unified Resource for the Computational Study of Peer Review
Dataset of peer review reports and paper drafts from diverse domains and venues. We provide multiple versions of the dataset; when in doubt, download the newest version. You can... -
Perturbed hopping
The dataset was collected from experiments with six young, healthy participants who were instructed to perform two-legged hopping at a self-selected frequency on a specially...