Wetting-Controlled Localized Placement of Surface Functionalities within Nano...
PowerPoint File of the public data of the paper, including responsive Origin Data. -
Replication Data for Chapter 4: University Expansion and Female Adolescents’ ...
Although it is widely recognized that accounting for spillovers from higher education institutions is essential when formulating educational policy, research on these effects in... -
Self-Regulated Learning Support in Flipped Learning Videos Enhances Learning ...
Supplementary material to dissertation chapter 4: Self-Regulated Learning Support in Flipped Learning Videos Enhances Learning Outcomes. Published in Computers & Education,... -
University of Twente : course research data management
Educational materials used in the course 'Research data management', University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands -
Replication Data for Chapter 5: Rural roads, Child labor, and Schooling in Ru...
New roads bring new opportunities including access to employment. However, new employment opportunities might encourage early school dropout and school absenteeism. We... -
Secondary Students’ Online Self-Regulated Learning During Flipped Learning: A...
Supplementary material to dissertation chapter 5: Secondary Students’ Online Self-Regulated Learning During Flipped Learning: A Latent Profile Analysis. Under review. By David... -
University of Amsterdam : research data management : basic training course fo...
Educational materials used in the course 'Research data management : basic training course for information specialists', University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands -
Professionalisering in ZIN (Zorg Innovatie Netwerken
Onderliggende data van het project waarin bij 2 instellingen onderzoek gedaan is naar samenwerken in innovatie. Bevat formats van instrumenten en ingevulde instrumenten (alleen... -
Utrecht University : workshop data management
Educational materials used in 'Data management workshop', Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands -
2.5D mass spectrometry imaging of N-glycans in esophageal adenocarcinoma and ...
Data of publication: Vos DRN, Meijer SL, Pouw RE, Ellis SR, Heeren RMA and Balluff B (2022), 2.5D mass spectrometry imaging of Nglycans in esophageal adenocarcinoma and... -
Pupils’ prior knowledge about technological systems: Design and validation of...
Supplementary material to dissertation chapter 2: Pupils’ prior knowledge about technological systems: Design and validation of a diagnostic tool for primary school teachers.... -
Self-centered or other-directed: Neural correlates of performance monitoring ...
Sandy Overgaauw, Myrthe Jansen, Ellen de Bruijn (2020). Cortex. -
Webinar: Indicators on firm level innovation activities from web scraped data
This webinar on "Indicators on firm level innovation activities from web scraped data" is a companion to the SSRN paper, and visualizes and explains the data collection and... -
Leiden University : how to write a data management plan
Educational materials used in the course 'How to write a data management plan', Leiden University, Leiden, the Netherlands -
Dataverse opportunities
Dataverse data repository provides a lot of opportunities for different research communities, this presentation is about data management and other features. -
Replication Data for Chapter 2: Within Growing Season Weather Variability and...
We investigate if and how farmers adjust their land allocation decisions in response to within-growing season weather variability using novel crop-specific data collected over... -
FAIR Dataverse presentation
FAIR Dataverse -
Antivirussen tegen nepnieuws : Onderzoek naar effecten van inoculatie op het ...
Kwalitatief en kwantitatief onderzoek naar copingsstrategieen rondom desinformatie -
Templates, Logos, Visual Identity
Templates, Logos, Visual Identity -
Replication Data for: Invert emulsions alleviate biotic interactions in bacte...
The large application potential of microbiotas has led to a great need for mixed culture methods. However, microbial interactions can compromise the maintenance of biodiversity...