914 datasets found

Keywords: exoplanets

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  • Follow-up light curves of the host star TOI-3235

    We present the discovery of TOI-3235 b, a short-period Jupiter orbiting an M dwarf with a stellar mass close to the critical mass at which stars transition from partially to...
  • RV survey searching for GQ Lup B satellites

    GQ Lup B is one of the few substellar companions with a detected cicumplanetary disk (CPD). Observations of the CPD suggest the presence of a cavity, possibly formed by an...
  • Resonant and ultra-short-period planet systems

    Exoplanet systems are thought to evolve on secular timescales over billions of years. This evolution is impossible to directly observe on human timescales in most individual...
  • Multiple-planet system resonances

    Before the launch of the Kepler Space Telescope, models of low-mass planet formation predicted that convergent type I migration would often produce systems of low-mass planets...
  • In-transit sp. and phot. obs. of TOI-2076b

    TOI-2076 b is a sub-Neptune-sized planet (R=2.39+/-0.10R_{Earth}) that transits a young (204+/-50MYr) bright (V=9.2) K-dwarf hosting a system of three transiting planets. Using...
  • Gas-giant planet-metallicity correlation

    Currently, the number of known planets around intermediate-mass stars (1.5M_{sun}<M*<3.5M{sun}_) is rather low and, as a consequence, models of planet formation have their...
  • TESS Triple-9 Catalog

    The Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) has detected thousands of exoplanet candidates since 2018, most of which have yet to be confirmed. A key step in the...
  • Transmission spectrum of WASP-69b

    Transmission spectroscopy is a powerful tool for understanding exoplanet atmospheres. At optical wavelengths, it makes it possible to infer the composition and the presence of...
  • Photometric timeseries and transit times

    Giant exoplanets on 1-3 day orbits, known as ultra-hot Jupiters, induce detectable tides in their host stars. The energy of those tides dissipates at a rate related to the...
  • BEAST giant planets population around B stars

    Exoplanets form from circumstellar protoplanetary discs whose fundamental properties (notably their extent, composition, mass, temperature and lifetime) depend on the host star...
  • TOI-5005 b phot. and radial velocities

    The Neptunian desert and savanna have been recently found to be separated by a ridge, an overdensity of planets in the ~3-5 days period range. These features are thought to be...
  • TOI-4562 light curve

    Young planetary systems represent an opportunity to investigate the early stages of (exo)planetary formation because the gravitational interactions have not yet significantly...
  • Obliquities of exoplanet host stars

    Measurements of the obliquities in exoplanet systems have revealed some remarkable architectures, some of which are very different from the Solar System. Nearly 200 obliquity...
  • K2-24 planetary system revisited by CHEOPS

    K2-24 is a planetary system composed of two transiting low-density Neptunians locked in an almost perfect 2:1 resonance and showing large TTVs, i.e., an excellent laboratory to...
  • YOUNGSTER EA/EB young stars catalog

    Young exoplanets and their corresponding host stars are fascinating laboratories for constraining the time-scale of planetary evolution and planet-star interactions. However,...
  • Discovery of 4 warm giants

    We report the discovery and characterization of three new transiting giant planets orbiting TOI-6628, TOI-3837 and TOI-5027, and one new warm sub-Saturn orbiting TOI-2328, whose...
  • WASP-43b tidal evolution

    Recent developments in exoplanetary research highlight the importance of Love numbers in understanding their internal dynamics, formation, migration history and their potential...
  • Relative RVs for KELT-24 taken from MINERVA

    We present a new analysis of the KELT-24 system, comprising a well-aligned hot Jupiter, KELT-24 b, and a bright (V=8.3), nearby (d=96.9pc) F-type host star. KELT-24 b was...
  • NEID radial velocities of TOI-5126 and TOI-5398

    Despite decades of effort, the mechanisms by which the spin axis of a star and the orbital axes of its planets become misaligned remain elusive. In particular, it is of great...
  • Planetary eccentricity-period (PEP) distributions

    We used the database of 1040 short-period (1<=P<200days) exoplanets radial-velocity orbits to study the planetary eccentricity-period (PEP) distribution. We first divided...
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