Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestria...
In 2016, some samples were frozen due to a lack of HCl in the field. Based on comparisons between frozen and unfrozen sample duplicates, the frozen samples were corrected. This... -
Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestria...
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Measurements of particulate and dissolved organic carbon (POC and DOC), turbd...
Fieldwork was conducted in July 2022 in the coastal waters around Herschel Island - Qikiqtaruk, Canada. Seven sampling days were carried out in two consecutive weeks. Two... -
Physical oceanography (CTD) data in the vicinity of Herschel Island - Qikiqta...
This dataset contains CTD measurements taken in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022, and 2023 during expeditions to Herschel Island - Qikiqtaruk, Yukon, Canada. For the data... -
Stable oxygen (δ18O) and hydrogen (δD) isotopes in precipitation from Inuvik ...
Precipitation was collected in the city of Inuvik (68.3°N, 133.5°W) in the western Canadian Arctic over 37 months between August 2015 and August 2018. The regular sampling of... -
Inorganic and organic hydrochemistry of lakes and ponds in continuous permafr...
Between 2006 and 2015 inorganic and organic hydrochemical parameters and stable water isotope characteristics were measured in lakes and ponds in continuous permafrost... -
Distribution of lagoons along the Arctic coast from the Taimyr Peninsula in R...
KML files showing the distribution of lagoons wider than 500 m along the Arctic coast from the Taimyr Peninsula in Russia to the Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula in Canada. There are two... -
Current velocity measurements from upward-looking ADCP at Qikiqtaruk during t...
The dataset compiles water current velocities and direction measured by a platform-based upward looking Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler. Data was acquired in August 2018... -
Submarine Permafrost Map (SuPerMAP), modeled with CryoGrid 2, Circum-Arctic
This data set contains a first‐order estimate of distribution, thickness and ice-content of submarine permafrost on the Arctic shelf based on a numerical heat transfer model.... -
Landcover derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 satellite data (2015-2018) f...
Landcover classes have been derived from bands of Sentinel-2 (3 (green, 10m), 4 (red, 10m), 8 (near infrared, 10m), 11 (SWIR, 20m) and 12 (SWIR, 20m)) as well as Sentinel-1 VV... -
Arctic river delta soil and geospatial data set
This data set is the first comprehensive Arctic river delta data set containing soil carbon and nitrogen information. In this study, we collected archived and new soil carbon... -
Permafrost soil organic carbon and soil nitrogen data from the Noatak, Kobuk ...
This data set describes the soil core and sample characteristics from soil cores collected in the Noatak (67.03 N; -162.45 E), Kobuk (66.79 N; -161.37 E), and Selawik (66.58 N;... -
Hydrographical, biogeochemical and biooptical water properties in the Mackenz...
This dataset contains hydrographical, biogeochemical and bioptical data from four field campaigns to the Mackenzie Delta region from spring to fall in 2019. Focus of the... -
Marine electrical resistivity data parallel to the southern coastline of the ...
In July 2017, we collected apparent resistivity data (ohm-m) in a sub-aquatic permafrost environment on the southern coastline of the Bykovsky Peninsula in northeast Siberia.... -
Palaeo-ecological proxy data from Yedoma permafrost deposits on Sobo-Sise Isl...
The dataset compiles data of fossil pollen, chironomid and diatom findings from late Pleistocene Ice Complex permafrost and its Holocene cover exposed at a Yedoma cliff on the... -
Erosion rates of the Sobo-Sise yedoma permafrost cliff in the Lena River Delt...
Permafrost thaw and ice wedge degradation lead to drastic landscape changes in the permafrost region. With this data set we investigated the cliff retreat of the Sobo-Sise Cliff... -
Colored dissolved organic matter (cDOM) absorption measurements in terrestria...
This dataset contains hydrochemistry and absorption measurements from surface water bodies (standing and flowing water) from Herschel Island, Yukon, Canada collected in 2016 and... -
Geochemical data collected in a coastal permafrost environment in the Beaufor...
More than 55 samples of permafrost meltwater, beach groundwater, seawater, lake water and massive ice were collected along the coastal area of the Beaufort Sea to characterize... -
Mapping the frost susceptibility of the ground from thaw-season InSAR surface...
Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) images (L1 Single Look Complex data from ESA/Copernicus Sentinel-1) were acquired between May and September during the thawing... -
Raster land cover product derived from TerraSAR-X imagery for the Komakuk Bea...
The dataset contains a high-resolution (5m) land cover classification product for the Komakuk Beach study site located on the Beaufort Coast, Canada. Land cover types were...