Structure of a cationic polyelectrolyte adsorbed at an oppositely charged sur...
Adsorption of a charged polyelectrolyte onto an oppositely charged substrate is important for the understanding of many natural molecular events as well as for the development... -
S=1 triplet character of the resonance peak in CeCoIn5
We propose to investigate the resonance peak in superconducting CeCoIn5 as a function of applied field. Preliminary low resolution cold triple-axis data has been suggestive that... -
Critical and quantum critical spins fluctuations in URhGe
Ferromagnetism in URhGe is continuously suppressed with a magnetic field leading to a Quantum Critical Point (QCP) at around 12 T engulfed by a pocket of superconductivity. The... -
Spin Excitations and "Hourglass" Dispersion in the Model High-Tc superconduct...
The unique "hourglass"-type dispersion observed within several classes of hole-doped cuprates has garnered considerable theoretical and experimental interest. Here we propose to... -
Understanding the ground state wavefunction in PrPtAl and YbNiSn
The proposal addreses the compounds PrPtAl and YbNiSn. Both systems are canted ferromagnets with both materials undergoing moment reorientation transitions as a function of... -
Adsorption of Sodium Bis-(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate on a-Alumina
In this proposal we investigate the adsorption of a key additive and functional group used in lubrication and wear applications using neutron reflection on a metal oxide... -
Magnetic Excitations in an Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Kagome Lattice Antiferrom...
The material Cu(1,3-benzenedicarboxylate) (C8H4CuO4) features structurally perfect kagome lattice planes of spin-1/2 copper2+ ions, with the separated by organic linkers. High... -
Magnetic excitations in FeCrAs
We propose to carry out inelastic neutron scattering experiments to study magnetic excitation spectrum in FeCrAs. FeCrAs exhibits magnetic ordering around 125 K, which is... -
Investigating the influence of the oxide on adsorption and corrosion of coppe...
Copper is an important industrial metal, predominantly used in electrical wiring and plumbing, as well as in power transformers. Throughout these applications, sulphur is known... -
Spin excitations in Na0.44MnO2
We propose to measure the spin fluctuations in Na0.44MnO2 using the MARI chopper spectrometer. Na0.44MnO2 is derived from alpha-NaMnO2 and is a tunnelled structure. Preliminary... -
Spin waves in ferromagnetic YbNiSn
YbNiSn is a Yb analogue of ferromagnetic superconductors URhGe and UCoGe. All materials share the same crystal structure, have similar Curie temperatures and a similar... -
The magnetic excitation spectrum in Fe1.07Te
We propose to investigate the high energy magnetic spectrum in Fe1.07Te. We have previously investigated the fluctuations in Fe1.14Te in the incommensurate phase and have found... -
Ifo Business Survey Insurance Sector (2011)
Der ifo Konjunkturtest für das Versicherungsgewerbe wird seit 1999 quartalsweise vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind qualitative Urteile zu aktuellen... -
Ifo Business Survey Insurance Sector (2012)
Der ifo Konjunkturtest für das Versicherungsgewerbe wird seit 1999 quartalsweise vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind qualitative Urteile zu aktuellen... -
Ifo Business Survey Insurance Sector (2013)
Der ifo Konjunkturtest für das Versicherungsgewerbe wird seit 1999 quartalsweise vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind qualitative Urteile zu aktuellen... -
Ifo Business Survey Insurance Sector (2014)
Der ifo Konjunkturtest für das Versicherungsgewerbe wird seit 1999 quartalsweise vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind qualitative Urteile zu aktuellen... -
Ifo Business Survey Insurance Sector (2016)
Der ifo Konjunkturtest für das Versicherungsgewerbe wird seit 1999 quartalsweise vom ifo Institut erhoben. Kern des Fragenprogramms sind qualitative Urteile zu aktuellen...