EMSO-Azores, EGIM : Temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations, 2017-2018
This dataset contains temperature and dissolved oxygen concentrations and the associated sensor raw data acquired between July 2017 and August 2018 on EMSO-Azores observatory by... -
FINALES (06/2022) – Electrolyte Optimization for Minimum Density and Maximum ...
This study presents the initial implementation of the Fast INtention-Agnostic LEarning Server (FINALES) in a demonstration of a distributed Materials Acceleration Platform (MAP)... -
CTD data acquired at the OBSEA seafloor observatory from 2013 to 2014
Data from two CTD sensors (SBE37 and SBE16) deployed at OBSEA seafloor observatory from 2013 to 2014. OBSEA station is located 4km off-the-coast of Vilanova i la Geltrú... -
Effect of decreasing inorganic N:P ratio on the plankton community - INN:PP
The Baltic Sea has been affected by eutrophication for several decades with the result of a gradual increase of oxygen minimum zones at the sea floor and release of phosphate... -
Electromagnetic and ultrasonic characteristics of concretes subjected to inte...
This database contains electrical, electromagnetic (EM), and ultrasonic (US) characterizations of two types of concrete, one subjected to alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) and the... -
Lucky Strike, EMSO-Azores observatory : mooring 2023 dataset
This dataset compiles mooring data collected at the Lucky Strike hydrothermal site, deployed from 24/06/2022 to 17/07/2023 as part of the EMSO-Azores observatory during the... -
Electroleaching and electrodeposition of silver in ethaline 1:2 and propeline...
This data set is related to a published research article dealing with electrochemical leaching and electrochemical deposition of silver in two deep-eutectic solvents (DES) :... -
OZCAR-RI HYBAM Hydrology and Geochemistry of the Amazon basin - Bolivia, Braz...
HYBAM observatory runs a network of 17 stations for hydrological, sediment and geochemistry sampling in the Amazon basin. The infrastructure is shared between the partners in... -
Temperature, conductivity and salinity data of the RADIALES Program, Vigo, 19...
Pressure, temperature, conductivity, and derived salinity data with their associated quality flags from the Vigo section of the monitoring program "Oceanography Time Series in... -
CTD and ADCP hydrothermal plume data from the MomarSat 2023 cruise
This dataset contains measurement profiles for 3D velocity, temperature, pressure, and salinity collected above the Tour Eiffel sulfide structure at the Lucky Strike... -
Soil Moisture and Temperature Data at Trail Valley Creek, NWT, Canada 2016
This data set contains quality controlled soil temperature and volumetric liquid water content measurements from an installation near Trail Valley Creek (TVC) research station... -
IT17-Antarctica Research Station - Antarctica
The Ross Sea is one of the two main epicontinental seas of the Antarctic continent. It is characterized by an high medium depth (ca. 500m) and by inverse slope, in fact the... -
Water librations in proton conducting hydrated alkali thio-hydroxogermanates
We propose to perform a systematic study of the intermolecular librational mode of molecular water in the proton conducting hydrated alkali thio-hydroxogermanates... -
Structure/Conductivity Relationship in Doped Bismuth Tantalate Solid Electrol...
A detailed study of the temperature and compositional variation of defect structure in doped bismuth tantalates is proposed. Tantalum doping into Bi2O3 can achieve d-phase... -
Structural study of oxygen ion conduction in microporous Mayenite
The crystal unit cell of mayenite, 12CaO.7Al2O3, consists of a cubic lattice of [Ca24Al28O64]4+ with the remaining 2*O2- contained in cages, which are linked by channels within... -
Investigation of the phase transition in La2Mo2O9 from structural and conduct...
There has been significant interest in the oxide ion conducting material La2Mo2O9 as a new electrolyte after initial reports of conductivity as high as that of YSZ at lower... -
Investigating the correlation between the order-disorder transition in YSr2Cu...
The effect of order-disorder transitions on the conductivity of oxide ion conducting electrolytes has attracted significant attention in the literature. In contrast there has... -
In situ studies of mixed-phase oxygen transport membranes
The oxygen transport membrane is a system being developed by St Andrews in conjunction with industry, which at high temperatures will allow the selective migration of oxygen... -
In-situ conductivity study of double perovskites for use as potential anode m...
It is a challenge to develop materials for use in fuel cell applications. Presently we are preparing new perovskite and double perovskite structured compounds being potential... -
Oxygen Vacancy Clusters in Pure and Doped CeO2-d
Oxide ceramics based on ceria, CeO2, have been the subject of considerable research for the role of solid electrolyte within solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs), since their ionic...