Diffuse scattering studies of squaric acid in an applied electric field
Organic ferroelectric compounds such as KH2PO4 and squaric acid, have attracted much interest in the past due to their potential in applications [1]. This interest has been... -
Wittig Reaction: Cleaning up 50 years of Waste in Metal-Free Catalysis
Our recent works have solved a 50 yr old problem (in part) with computational steering successfully guiding synthetic work towards a wittig process catalytic in phosphine. The... -
Neutron diffraction study of Ga and Al doped MnNiGe alloys
Magnetic equiatomic alloys (MEAs) of the general formula MM'X (M, M' = transition metals, X = Si, Ge, Sn) undergo martensitic transition on cooling from high temperature.... -
Low temperature neutron diffraction of Sm2Ti2O7 pyrochlore compound
Topological phases of matter became scientific highlights during the 70's and magnetic frustration is one of the mechanisms that is believed to drive systems to one of that many... -
High resolution INS spectra of hydrocarbonaceous overlayers formed on novel m...
For the first time, the research team aim to use INS to characterise a series of new high specification methane reforming catalysts. The enhanced performance of these catalysts... -
In-situ High Temperature Studies of BiFeO3 in a Stabilising Oxygen Atmosphere
The drive to find novel materials for applications such as data storage has led to a resurgence in research into multiferroic materials. Bismuth ferrite is the most widely... -
Investigation of the hydrogen bonding and anisotropic displacement parameters...
We will investigate the structure of 4-chloroimidazole, which undergoes extreme anisotropic thermal expansion. This is believed from our initial x-ray results to be due to a... -
Polarized neutron reflectormetry study of ultra-thin FeRh films.
FeRh in the CsCl structure is an interesting material with a tunable magnetostructural phase transition close to, or just above room temperature. On heating through the... -
Crystal and Magnetic Structures of Ba2BTeO6 (B=Cu, Ni, Zn)
Ba2CuTeO6 and Ba2NiTeO6 are compounds with structures related to that of the proposed spin liquid Ba3CuSb2O9. The space group and nature of the B-site ordering in Ba3CuSb2O9... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru)
Recently we have synthesized and investigated three new ternary intermetallic compounds PrTSi3 (T = Ir, Rh and Ru) which form in BaNiSn3-type tetragonal structure (space group... -
Low-energy spin excitations in Cu4(OD)6FBr
Quantum spin liquids (QSLs) represent a state where a local moment system remains non-ordered at zero temperature due to geometrical or quantum frustrations. The Barlowite... -
MAPS commissioning (short)
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Further study of high pressure magnetic order and superstructure in BiNiO3 at...
Transition metal oxides make up a remarkable group of materials, exhibiting a wide variety of unusual electronic and magnetic properties. They have generated much interest, in... -
Low-temperature Neutron diffraction studies in SrTi0.5Mn0.5O3 to explain the ...
Geometric frustration of magnetic ordering in ordered double perovskites (ODPs) leads to spin-glass, spin-liquid and spin-ice states. However it is yet not clear whether these... -
Observation of low energy modes of adsorbed CO on a catalyst
Carbon monoxide occurs widely in industry in many roles. It is a feedstock for methanol synthesis and in Fischer-Tropsch chemistry for synthetic petrol and diesel. It is a... -
Discriminating adsorption sites in the coordinatively unstaurated 3d metal io...
Using chemically different substances as co-adsorbates allows one to block certain types of adsorption sites in a given porous material or even on a surface. This can be very... -
Structure and Magnetism of Rb1-xFe2F6: Tuning the Valence of Charge-Ordered K...
We have recently discovered a new family of geometric frustrated magnets starting from the parent system, RbFe2F6, with crystallizes in the defect or β-pyrochlore structure... -
Coupling between magnons and phonons in multiferroic Co3TeO6 and Mn3TeO6.
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Structural basis for the 2D thermal expansion tensor of petalite, LiAlSi4O10
Phases in the lithia-alumina-silica phase diagram (LAS) are of great importance owing to the technologically property of ultra-low thermal expansion (ULTE) that they frequently... -
Chemical binding and effective temperature survey beyond the nuclear recoil r...
Differences in heavy metal nuclear momentum distributions (NMDs) in different metallic compounds due to chemical binding and effective temperature difference will most likely...