μSR investigations of multiferroic system RCrTiO5 (R= rare-earth)
We are currently investigating multiferroic system RCrTiO5 (R= rare-earth) using bulk measurements and have found interesting magnetic properties. To understand the nature of... -
Penetration depth in isovalent Ru substitution Ba(Fe$_{1-x}$Ru$_x$)$_2$As$_2$
The investigation of the recently discovered high-Tc superconductors based on iron pnictides, has attracted great attention. Much effort has been devoted to determining the... -
µSR studies of the superconducting and magnetic properties of FeSe1-xSx
FeSe1-xSx is an important model system for investigating the relationship between superconductivity and nematicity. The nematicity can be suppressed systematically by the... -
Muon spin relaxation study of biskyrmions in MnNiGa
Skyrmions are chiral spin textures that exist in a variety of magnetic materials. These states are topologically non-trivial, which gives them stability expected to be useful... -
Muon spin relaxation study of a novel frustrated system: Li7RuO6
Every new triangular lattice (TL) antiferromagnet attracts considerable attention since they usually display rich physics due to the inherent frustration and degenerate ground... -
Investigating the superconducting and magnetic properties of a novel quasi-on...
A2Mo3As3 (A = alkali metal) is a brand-new novel family of molybdenum arsenide based quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) superconductors with a transition temperature between 10.4 to... -
Single crystal study of a-RuCl3, a quantum magnet on a honeycomb lattice
a-RuCl3 is a honeycomb lattice system which is thought to be close to a spin liquid state. The layers are weakly coupled and therefore the system is susceptible to stacking... -
Investigating Magnetic Ordering in Ba2MnWO6 and Sr2MnWO6
Cubic double perovskites provide a rare example of an undistorted face-centred cubic lattice, made up of edge sharing regular tetrahedra. In Ba2MnWO6, antiferromagnetically... -
Study of superconductivity in Sc5Ir4Si10, Sc5Rh4Si10 and Sc5Co4Si10 using muo...
Ternary compounds R5T4X10 crystallizing in primitive tetragonal structure (space group P4/mbm) present interesting physical properties. Of particular interests are the... -
Low temperature Mu-SR experiments in triangular antiferromagnet Ba3NiIr2O9
This dataset has no description
A uSR Study of Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor Re6 Hf
In conventional superconductors gauge symmetry is broken, while in unconventional superconductors other symmetries may also be broken. There has recently been a great deal of... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking study of the superconductors YRuB2 and LuRuB2
In this proposal we suggest an investigation of the time reversal symmetry breaking in the superconducting compounds YRuB2 and LuRuB2 with orthorhombic structure (space group... -
Unconventional superconductivity in quasi-1D K_2Cr_3As_3
Metallic systems with one-dimensional chain-like atomic structure can support unusual mechanisms for electron pairing leading to superconductivity. K_2Cr_3As_3 is one of a... -
muSR study of field-induced phases in a 1-dimensional Ising system
MV2O6 brannerites have a network structure in which chains of edge-sharing MO6 octahedra result in 1-dimensional magnetic properties. A recent study reported monoclinic CoV2O6... -
Frustration-stabilised high-field skyrmions
Magnetic skyrmions are nanometric topological vortex-like spin textures that appear in select materials and have lately attracted a lot of attention due to their numerous... -
2D vs. 3D ordering in CrCl3, a Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a honeycomb lattice
Van der Waals solids containing two-dimensional lattices of magnetic moments with only weak interlayer coupling have attracted significant scientific interest due to their... -
Surveying Hebel-Slichter peaks in conventional-ish superconductors
The presence of a Hebel-Slichter peak in NMR or µSR measurements just below the critical temperature of superconductors is taken to be strong evidence for conventional behaviour... -
Magnetic and superconducting phases in TbTe3
Rare-earth tri-tellurides (RETe3, RE = Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm) are materials with 2D electronic character and have a charge-density wave (CDW) phase... -
A muSR Investigation of the Magnetic Ground State and Spin Dynamics in the Tr...
In a typical magnetic material the interactions between neighbouring magnetic moments will tend to lead to their ordered alignment throughout the entire structure as it is...