µSR investigations of magnetoelectric 4d-based dimer system Ba3NdRu2O9
The magnetic ground state of a compound containing higher d-orbital (4d/5d) is fascinating due to its various competing effects like extended orbital, pronounced crystal field... -
Cyclic Muonium Dynamics in Mid-Range SiGe Alloys
We propose a continuation of longitudinal muon spin depolarization measurements on mid-range SiGe alloys where a direct observation of T-site ionization is not possible because... -
muSR of Polyethylene Oxide: A Simple Proton-Conducting Polymer
Proton-conducting polymer membranes have significant technological applications in hydrogen or methanol fuel cells. muSR can shed light on the mechanisms for proton transport in... -
Anomalous temperature dependence of the ALC spectrum of polybutadiene
The relative importance of factors affecting the low temperature ALC spectra of organic molecular systems such as polymers and small molecules is a topical issue. Polybutadiene... -
Low field µSR studies of radiation chemistry and free radical reactions by no...
Microwave (MW) assisted chemical reactions are of interest as a green, energy efficient alternative to conventional thermal heating for chemical processes. MW irradiation... -
Probing the [FeFe]-hydrogenase subsite using muon spectroscopy
Solid state repolarisation measurements of [Fe2(µ-pdt)(CO)4(PMe3)2] (RB 1010177) showed a weak recovery at ca.15G, a strong recovery at ca.100G and what was thought to be a weak... -
Observation of hydrogen dynamics in hydrogen storage materials by muSR
Hydrogen storage materials with a low working temperature are strongly required for the application of the next generation on-board hydrogen storage system. Among several... -
An investigation of the superconducting ground state in the non-centrosymmetr...
In this proposal we propose to investigate the superconducting ground state of the non-centrosymmetric superconductor Ru7B3. Controversy exists over the nature of the... -
Antioxidants are very important molecules because they can prevent or slow down the oxidative damage to our bodies. When our bodies use oxygen, free radicals are released which... -
Probing the Magnetism and Suspected Quantum Fluctuations in Green Dioptase
It has been suggested that within green dipotase there the magnetism is dominated by quantum flucuations but evidence for this is not definitive. This means that in this... -
Systematic Investigation of Magnetically Doped Toplogical Insulators
Topological insulators (TIs) are of inherent interest as they are conducting on the surface whilst insulating on the bulk. We would like to investigate magnetically doped... -
Towards a Method of Quantifying Electrophilicity and Nucleophilicity
Understanding of chemical reactivity is founded on the fundamental concepts of Electrophilicity and Neucleophilicity. All extant attempts to do this depend on the reaction of... -
A muSR spectroscopic study of the spin dynamics and reentrant spin-glass tran...
We have recently synthesised the novel iridocuprate IrSr2Sm1.15Ce0.85Cu2O10. This material exhibits a complex temperature dependence of the magnetic susceptibility with multiple... -
Interaction of N2O with Membranes Using µSR
Nitrous oxide, N2O, is an inhalant anaesthetic with a long history of use dating back to 1844. It is most commonly used as a light sedative in dentistry, or in child birth and... -
Spin Dynamics in a Quantum Pyrochlore Antiferromagnet
Frustrated compounds belonging to the pyrochlore family have attracted significant interest as they can host a huge variety of exotic phases. In order to explore the rich phase... -
Manipulation of Quadrupole Resonance Level Crossing in MuonSR by Rf irradiati...
Muon interactions with quadrupolar nuclear spins have occasionally been studied by theirlevel crossing resonance spectra. In an ideal case the quadrupole resonance level... -
µSR Study of Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor Re6Zr
In this proposal we propose to investigate the detailed superconducting properties of the superconducting compound Re6Zr with the non-centrosymmetric α-Mn structure.... -
Source of Electronic Magnetism in Palladium Bionanoparticles
The work will aim to use the unique property of muons, as sensitive probes of their local magnetic environment, to investigate the source of the electronic magnetism observed in... -
Muon states in black phosphorus
Our recent experiment showed that muons implanted into black phosphorus (the most stable allotrope of the element, with a low band gap of 0.3eV) are apparently diamagnetic, with... -
MUSR Study of the Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor Alpha- BiPd
In this proposal we propose to investigate the detailed superconducting properties of the non-centosymmetric superconducting compound alpha-BiPd. Though this compound is...