How Children Live (Children Survey)
The housing situation of children in the Federal Republic from the view of the children. Topics: sense of well-being in one´s own children´s room; disturbing elements in one´s... -
How Children Live (Survey of Young People)
The housing situation of young people in the Federal Republic from one´s own view. Topics: detailed description of the residence; monthly burden or rent costs and additional... -
Welfare Survey 1978
Actual living conditions and subjectively perceived quality of life of the West German population. Topics: 1. Objective situation in areas of life: housing situation and... -
Preparatory Investigations according to the Law to Promote Urban Development ...
Description of housing situation in renovation areas from the perspective of those affected by renovation. Extent to which informed about renovation plans and readiness to... -
Group-Specific Residential Conduct
Residential conduct, satisfaction with residential area and housing desires of residents of a newly established settlement in Bochum. Topics: 1. Survey part: time of moving and... -
Regional Parties in Northwestern Lower Saxony
Aggregate data on northwestern Lower Saxony on municipality basis. Topics: proportion of arable land per agricultural company; land surface and predominant type of soil in... -
Agreement of Residential Surroundings and Residents (1980)
Characterization of residential surroundings and satisfaction with housing. Topics: residential status; length of residence; local ties; further length of residence sought;... -
Agreement of Residential Surroundings and Residents (1981)
Follow-up survey to the description of residential surroundings (ZA Study No. 1384). Topics: type of residential area in which one grew up; reasons for moving; occupational... -
International Workbook: Time Budget Research (Halifax Subsample)
Exercise data set for the Workbook ´Time Budget Research´. Topics: Location and duration of primary and secondary activities; distance from home; contact person. Demography:... -
Debit and Credit 1
Attitude to money and financial investment conduct. 2. Information on residence and type of heating. Topics: 1. Attitude to money and financial investment conduct: judgement... -
Typology of Desires 1984
Attitudes to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. 2. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: 1. Personal demands on life; attitude to... -
Typology of Desires 1986
Attitudes to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. 2. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: 1. personal demands on life; attitude to... -
Socio-Ecological Conditions of the Integration of Foreign Workers in the Ruhr...
The housing situation, job situation and situation in life of Turks in the Federal Republic. Topics: religiousness; nationality of spouse; living together with spouse in... -
Socio-Ecological Conditions of the Integration of Foreign Workers in the Ruhr...
The relationship of the German population to foreign workers. Topics: religiousness; nationality of spouse; age and number of children; occupational advancement; duration of... -
Cultural and Ethnic Identity of Migrant Workers in Intercontextual and Interg...
The general situation of foreign workers in five large German cities. Topics: ethnic origin; year of arrival of parents in Germany or personal year of arrival; attendance at... -
Typology of Desires 1987
Attitudes to consumption, media usage and possession of economic goods. Quantitative recording of consumer habits. Topics: The content of the study is identical to that of ZA... -
Hagen Survey 1985/86
Motives for citizens of Hagen to move. Topics: street in which the previous residence was; name of new place of residence; number of cars in household; reasons for moving;... -
Gentrification in the Inner City of Hamburg
Housing situation and reasons for moving. Perceived change in residential area and attitude to these changes. Topics: length of residence in house and in the current part of... -
Regional Data VZ 1970 (States)
Population data at state level based on the census of 1970. Topics: area in square kilometers; residential population at the points in time 1939, 1950, 1961 and 1970; marital... -
Regional Data VZ 1970 (Administrative Districts)
Population data at administrative district level based on the census of 1970. Topics: area in square kilometers; residential population at the points in time 1939, 1950, 1961...