871 datasets found

Keywords: Internationale Politik und Internationale Organisationen

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  • Eurobarometer 81.3 (2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Eurobarometer 81.2 (March 2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • ARD-DeutschlandTrend 2013

    Since 1997 the ARD-DeutschlandTREND is being conducted on behalf of the ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -...
  • Eurobarometer 81.4 (2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Eurobarometer 82.1 (2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Eurobarometer 82.4 (2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Eurobarometer 82.3 (2014)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Flash Eurobarometer 402 (Introduction of the Euro in Lithuania)

    Introduction of the euro in Lithuania. Topics: contact with and use of euro banknotes or coins; use of euro banknotes or coins in the own country or abroad; knowledge test on...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 405 (The Euro Area, October 2014)

    Attitude towards the European Union and the implementation of the Euro as currency. Economic situation. Topics: having the euro is a good thing for the own country and for...
  • International Social Survey Programme: National Identity III - ISSP 2013

    The International Social Survey Programme (ISSP) is a continuous programme of cross-national collaboration running annual surveys on topics important for the social sciences....
  • Flash Eurobarometer 409 (Lithuania before Changeover)

    Lithuania before the changeover to the euro. Topics: knowledge of the duration of the dual circulation period of Lithuanian litas and euro; possession of euro banknotes and...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 407 (Austria, Finland and Sweden: 20 Years in the EU)

    Attitudes towards the EU. Topics: associations with the term ‘Europe’; attitude towards the following statements: feeling closer to other Europeans than to people from other...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 412 (Lithuania after Euro Changeover)

    Lithuania after the changeover to the euro. Topics: difficulties handling euro coins and banknotes; currency used for counting or calculating when doing common or exceptional...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 410 (Dual Circulation Period in Lithuania)

    Dual circulation period in Lithuania. Topics: possession of euro banknotes and euro coins and kind of these euro banknotes and coins; possession of only Lithuanian euro coins,...
  • Eurobarometer 83.2 (2015)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
  • Eurobarometer 83.1 (2015)

    Attitudes towards the EU. Protection of online personal data. Topics: 1. Attitudes towards the EU: life satisfaction; frequency of discussions about political matters on...
  • Flash Eurobarometer 408 (European Youth)

    Education, job prospects and volunteering of the European Youth. Topics: participation in activities of sports, leisure, cultural, political, local, environmental, human rights...
  • German Internet Panel, Wave 18 (July 2015)

    The German Internet Panel (GIP) is an infrastructure project. The GIP serves to collect data about individual attitudes and preferences which are relevant for political and...
  • ARD-DeutschlandTrend 2014

    Since 1997 the ARD-DeutschlandTREND is being conducted on behalf of the ARD (Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstalten der Bundesrepublik Deutschland -...
  • Eurobarometer 83.3 (2015)

    Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries....
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