The anisotropy of the spin fluctuations in the electron nematic phase of Sr3R...
New electronic phases often emerge in the proximity of a quantum critical point (QCP) - that is the point where the transition temperature of a collective phase transition is... -
Measurement of spin-gravity coupling by quantum interference
It is possible that there is a coupling between the spin and gravitation, for instance by an adaptation of the Hamiltonian with an additional termH=k/c (gvec.Svec) where gvec is... -
Quantum and thermal critical scaling in XY-dipolar antiferromagnet LiErF4
We have established the material LiErF4 as a dipolar antiferromagnet with planar anisotropy, exhibiting both classical and quantum phase transitions. Where, thermal transition... -
Magnetic frustration induced by applied magnetic fields in CeRhIn5
Quantum critical points (QCPs) have attracted continuous scientific interest due to the emergent phenomena observed in their vicinity, including unconventional superconductivity... -
Temperature driven spin incoherence and criticality in the Luttinger liquid p...
We propose an experiment on the low energy spectrometer LET to study temperature effects on the Luttinger liquid (LL) phase on the spin ladder geometry. The spin ladder material... -
Quantum critical dynamics in the purely dipolar antiferromagnet LiErF4
LiErF4 is an example of an XY dipolar coupled antiferromagnet with planar anisotropy. As such it exhibits a quantum phase transition (QPT) in a small field of 4kOe, which is of... -
Soft Modes in the Ferroelectric Semiconductor SbSI
Antimony sulfo-iodide (SbSI) exhibits strongly-coupled photoconductive, semiconducting, and ferroelectric properties. Until the discovery of the lead-oxide ferroelectric relaxor... -
Dynamical Signatures of Quantum Spin Ice in Tb2Ti2O7
We propose the first neutron scattering experiment on the frustrated magnet Tb2Ti2O7 in the presence of a magnetic field along [111]. This will allow us to uncover signatures of... -
Neutron reflectivity investigation of hydrogen content in Aluminium/Duplex st...
The need for structural materials that can resist hydrogen assisted degradation becomes critical for the continuation of the development of the hydrogen economy. A new neutron...