Lagrangian back-tracing results for Kohnen station given every 1 m of the depth
DEPTH in ice is modeled real depth; modeled ice equivalent depth at Kohnen: 2753.22 m; Modeled real depth at Kohnen including firn compaction: 2781.846 m; geographical... -
Lagrangian back-tracing results for Kohnen station given every 100 model years
Latitude and longitude are position of the place where Kohnen ice was deposited. Age is modeled, given in kiloyears before present. -
Results of sediment unmixing analysis
Results of sediment unmixing (Andrews and Eberl, 2012) of core HU2011031-059 (Mao et al., 2014; Mao et al., 2018)( 48.727°N, -45.519°W, 750 m water depth) with (A) and without... -
Classification error of fractional vegetation cover from senescent material i...
This dataset has no description
How does the dramatic rise of CPS nonresponse impact labor market indicators?...
This is the replication package for “How does the dramatic rise of CPS nonresponse impact labor market indicators?” by Robert Bernhardt, David Munro, and Erin L. Wolcott,... -
Adaptive estimation of cointegrated models: simulation evidence and an applic...
The paper reports simulation and empirical evidence on the finite-sample performance of adaptive estimators in cointegrated systems. Adaptive estimators are asymptotically... -
Testing the unbiased forward exchange rate hypothesis using a Markov switchin...
This paper develops a model for the forward and spot exchange rate which allows for the presence of a Markov switching risk premium in the forward market and considers the issue... -
Intergenerational mobility and sample selection in short panels (replication ...
Using data from the first 11 waves of the BHPS, this paper measures the extent of the selection bias induced by standard coresidence conditions-bias that is expected to be... -
An evaluation of the forecasts of the federal reserve: a pooled approach (rep...
The Federal Reserve Greenbook forecasts of real GDP, inflation and unemployment are analysed for the period 1974-1997. We consider whether these forecasts exhibit systematic... -
Correcting for bias in retrospective data (replication data)
When panel data are not available, retrospective data are used in the estimation of dynamic choice models. However, retrospective data are not reliable. Previous studies of... -
Small-sample bias in synthetic cohort models of labor supply (replication data)
This paper investigates small-sample biases in synthetic cohort models (repeated cross-sectional data grouped at the cohort and year level) in the context of a female labor... -
Biases in approximating log production (replication data)
Most empirical work in economic growth assumes either a Cobb-Douglas production function expressed in logs or a log-approximated constant elasticity of substitution...