Replication Data for "The development of the truffle beetle Leiodes cinnamome...
This dataset includes the data analysed in the manuscript "The development of the truffle beetle Leiodes cinnamomeus at low temperature, a determining factor for the... -
The dynamics of a hydride in a metal cage: a study of [(Ph3P)2N] [HCo6(CO)15].
We propose to collect, on TOSCA, the IINS spectrum of the [(Ph3P)2N] [HCo6(CO)15] complex to obtain information on the dynamics of the interstitial hydride and the influence, on... -
Investigation of hydrogen dynamics on pure and metal cluster decorated metal ...
Metal oxides(MO) are widely used in technological applications especially for catalysts and supports for catalysts. We propose to use the inelastic response of H2 adsorbed on... -
Characterisation of Precious Metal Hydrous Oxide and Hydroxide Compounds
Approved proposal under the ICRD Scheme Proposal ICRD0003 -
Neutron Diffraction residual Stress Measurement in Cold Weld Repair Tubular J...
Grade 91 pipes and tubes have become a standard material for the design of new and refurbishment of existing Power Plants. Several major failures have been encountered after... -
Vibrational properties of ammine complexes
Our intention is to study the INS spectra of ammine complexes nNH3LiBH4 (with n = 1,2,3,4) and nNH3LiI (n=1). Ammine complexes (MXm(NH3)n), amides (M(NH2)m), and imides... -
CuH: a continuing (nearly) 200 year old problem (TOSCA)
CuH was first prepared by Wurtz in 1844 by the reaction of aqueous copper sulfate with hypophosphorous acid. Several other routes have been developed including precipitation of... -
Cold Sprayed Hydroxyapatite Coatings for Orthopaedic Implants
Hydroxyapatite (HA) is a natural compound (Ca10 (PO4)6(OH) 2) found in human bone and clinical research has shown that HA coated orthopaedic implants improve the ingrowth and... -
Investigation of the excitation spectrum in the 1D distorted diamond chain Az...
We propose to investigate the excitation spectrum of azurite in both zero field and applied fields up to 7T. Using inelastic neutrons on OSIRIS we hope to clearly resolve the... -
INS examination of potential hydrogen spillover on pure and metal decorated m...
Metal oxides(MO) are widely used in technological applications especially for catalysts and supports for catalysts. We propose to use the inelastic response of H2 adsorbed on... -
Investigation of the Interactions Between Porous Frameworks and Adsorbed Gas ...
We request a total of 9 days on TOSCA:6 days to investigate the interactions exhibited by two Li containing metal-organic framework materials on loading with CO2. Doping of Li... -
Hydrogen storage is considered to be one of the principal technological barriers in the transition towards a hydrogen-based economy. In this proposal, we plan to look at the key... -
Vibrational properties of Vanadium and Zirconium based metal hydrides
Inelastic neutron scattering has proven to be reliable tool to investigate the phonon structure of hydrides. E.g., it was shown that the vibrational structure of Ca(BH4)2 has a... -
Evaluation of inelasticity effects in diffraction
For total diffraction measurements using neutrons it is important to correct the data for inelasticity effects, especially for samples containing light atoms. Conventionally... -
In-Situ Residual Stress Measurement by Neutron Diffraction in Cold Weld Repai...
Grade 91 pipes and tubes have become a standard material for the design of new and refurbishment of existing Power Plants. Several major failures have been encountered after... -
Study of cold creep stress relaxation on stainless steel welded structures
ATLAS+ is a four year, 7M Horizon 2020 project aimed at developing and validating advanced structural integrity assessment methodologies for non-RPV primary circuit pressure... -
INS analysis of industrially relevant small pore zeolites
NOx emissions from the energy and transport sectors represent a major hazard to human health and this has been the focus of significant industrial and academic research. One... -
INS on H2 adsorbed in microporous L-Isoleucyl-L-valine.
We intend to perform an inelastic neutron scattering experiment on para-H2 adsorbed in L-Isoleucyl-L-valine (IV) microporous systems using the TOSCA spectrometer. IV is one of a... -
The chemisorption of hydrogen over a Raney cobalt catalyst: An INS investigation
Building on a successful programme investigating aspects of iron based Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) catalysts, it is opportune to extend that work to include Co FTS... -
Probing Interactions between Brønsted Acid sites and Phenolic Lignin Monomers...
We propose to measure the vibrational spectra of phenolic lignin monomers phenol and catechol in zeolite Beta, in order to understand further the interactions of these important...