Government-Led Change: Interviews With UK and German MPs on Climate Change, 2...
This dataset is comprised of 65 elite interviews conducted between April 2023 and February 2024 in Germany and the United Kingdom. 64 of the interviews are with either current... -
Consumer Demand for Blockchain-Enabled Peer-to-Peer Electricity Trading in th...
Peer-to-peer (P2P) energy trading could help address grid management challenges in a decentralizing electricity system, as well as provide other social and environmental... -
Interviews With Observers of and Participants in Dutch and UK Heat Transition...
Going Dutch? was a 2-year research project, led from the University of Sussex and funded by the UK Energy Research Centre, comparing governance arrangements for heat... -
UK Heat Pump Market Formation, the Pump Priming Project: Qualitative Intervie...
Heat pumps are a critical technology in decarbonising residential heating in the UK. The UK government set out its market-based approach to increasing the deployment in October... -
Fuel and Transport Poverty in the UK Energy Transition, 2022
The FAIR project explored the causes and links between fuel poverty and transport poverty in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. It collected interview data to draw... -
Public Risk Perceptions, Climate Change and the Reframing of UK Energy Policy...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. The project consisted of undertaking a comprehensive empirical survey of public opinion towards future... -
Community Energy Initiatives: Embedding Sustainable Technology at the Local L...
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner. Policy statements have placed growing importance on the use of renewable energy in the United Kingdom... -
Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy II: The Economics of Rapid Cli...
CCCEP was established in October 2008 with the aim of advancing public and private action on climate change through rigorous, innovative research. There are a number of papers... -
Local Authorities and Sustainable Energy Innovations, 2016-2019
This project analysed local authorities in the UK in order to ascertain what capacities they have to engage in sustainable energy, and how these relate to a range of social,... -
Interviews With Lancashire Local Community Members About Hydraulic Fracturing...
We conducted semi-structured interviews with 31 local community members in and around the Fylde region of Lancashire on the topic shale development. The interviews were... -
Stakeholder Workshop on Encouraging Energy Retrofit among UK Homeowners, 2021
The Fast-tracking Low-Energy Use via Retrofit (FLEUR) project is based on a recent UCL-led research project on the adoption process of low-carbon home retrofit among UK... -
High Energy Consumers, the Excess Project: Qualitative Data, 2018-2023
This data collection includes a User Guide and the anonymised transcripts of 30 semi-structured interviews of #60-90 minutes each, with 31 high household energy consumers, about...