Incubation Experiments of DOM with Prokaryotic Community at the NW Mediterran...
The water samples for the incubation experiment were collected on the RV Néréïs II at the Microbial Observatory Laboratory Arago 42N and 4E on 31 May and 26 August 2021. The... -
Phytoplankton and DOM at MOLA 2019-2021
The discrete biogeochemical measurements from RV Néréïs II were sampled for dissolved organic matter and phytoplankton pigments. The parameters include DOC/TDN/DON/TDP/DOP,... -
Inorganic ion and metabolite concentrations in tissue of marine invertebrates...
Laboratory experiments were conducted in the climate chambers at GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel in the time between March and November 2018. Experiments were... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and olfactory sensitivity of Gilthead Seabream
The effects of ocean acidification on fish are only partially understood. Studies on olfaction are mostly limited to behavioral alterations of coral reef fish; studies on... -
Free amino acids (FAA) in aerosol samples from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard Island, 2015
Free amino acids (FAA) were quantified in 7 aerosol samples collected during the Arctic campaign at Gruvebadet Laboratory in 2015.Aerosol samples were collected in quartz fiber... -
Combined amino acids in aerosol samples from Ny-Alesund, Svalbard Island, 2015
Combined amino acids (CAA) were quantified in 7 aerosol samples collected during the Arctic campaign at Gruvebadet Laboratory in 2015. Combined amino acids (CAA) refer to amino... -
Structural comparison of peptidomimetic building blocks
Peptidomimetics are synthetic mimics of peptides, the natural building blocks of proteins, and their development is a growing field of science. An underlying theme in recent...