Seawater carbonate chemistry and the impacts of expected near-future climate ...
Here, we present a two-year experimental study examining the responses of entire mesocosm coral reef communities to warming (+2 °C), acidification (−0.2 pH units), and combined... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and calcification data for widespread scope for ...
Here, we take advantage of the ability to sample genetically distinct coral colonies (genets) to produce genetically identical clonal fragments (ramets) and use an identical... -
East Pacific Pocillopora coral genome skimming
Low-coverage whole genome sequencing data and DNA barcodes for Pocillopora coral samples collected from sites in Panama, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, and Clipperton Atoll.... -
Pocillopora species delimitation
This project aims at exploring the species limits within the Pocillopora genus using genomics. -
Antibiotic suppression of Pocillopora coral bacteria microbiomes
Corals are important model organisms for understanding invertebrate host-microbe interactions however, the lack of controlled experimental approaches for manipulating... -
Sequencing data from key Hawaiian coral species
Genome and transcriptome sequencing data from key Hawaiian coral species that was used to construct reference genome assemblies and to predict protein-coding genes. -
Pocillopora damicornis, Pocillopora acuta, Pocillopora verrucosa, Pocillopora...
The goal of this study was to investigate species boundaries in the scleractinian genus, Pocillopora. We used ezRAD libraries from 13 Pocillopora individuals across 7 species... -
Signals of local adaptation in two Pocillopora coral species across environme...
This study assesses the neutral population genetic structure of two Pocillopora coral species, P. meandrina and P. verrucosa. We used Dart sequencing to understand the... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and coral calcification rates
Estimates of heritability inform evolutionary potential and the likely outcome of many management actions, but such estimates remain scarce for marine organisms. Here, we report... -
High temperature, nutrient pollution, and predation stress on the Pocillopora...
This work was conducted in Moorea, French Polynesia to investigate the interacting effects of multiple stressors on the coral microbiome. The coral Pocillopora meandrina was...