Powder Neutron Diffraction study on Sr3NiRuO6
Encouraged by many unconventional magnetic properties in the magnetically frustrated spin-chain compounds of the type A3MM'O6, we have recently synthesized a new member... -
New apparatus for neutron diffraction under uniaxial pressure.
We propose to test new apparatus for the magnetic neutron diffraction under uniaxial pressure on WISH diffractometer. The main feature of our apparatus is that the sample is not... -
High pressure and high temperature stabilized bismuth based multiferroic rela...
The new compound Bi2CoTiO6 is synthesized using high pressure - high temperature techniques. Its properties were characterized by X-ray diffraction, magnetic measurements, and... -
Skyrmion-like structures induced by copper doping in multiferroic CaCuxMn7-xO12
Multiferroic CaMn7O12 possesses giant magnetically induced ferroelectricity at relatively high temperatures - key properties for technological application. X-ray and neutron... -
Investigation of Bose-Einstein condensation of magnons through temperature-fi...
YbAl3C3 exhibits a spin gap formation due to spin dimer ground state below 10 K. In zero-field the ground state is paramagnetic and no sign of long range magnetic ordering down... -
Neutron diffraction study of the buckled kagome-lattice Cu3R(SeO3)2O2Cl (R=Yb...
The experimental realization of a S=1/2 kagome lattice has been one of the holy grail of frustrated magnetism because when all antiferromagnetic exchanges cannot be satisfied, a... -
Magnetoelastic Coupling and for Competing Ground States in (Ba1-xAx)Fe2As2 (A...
Unconventional superconductivity has recently been suggested in the new class of iron-based superconductors in which unusual gap symmetries have been observed together with... -
Spin correlations and order in titanates exhibiting spin Jahn-Teller antiferr...
The spin Jahn-Teller effect stabilises 3D magnetic order in an otherwise frustrated system via magnetoelastic coupling, spontaneously at the magnetic phase transition. Examples... -
Investigation of the correlations above TN in PdCrO2
In recent years there has been a large interest in geometrically frustrated magnetic systems, especially those with spins interacting on two-dimensional triangular lattices... -
Neutron diffraction study of magnetic structure of PrFe2Al8
The crystal structure of PrFe2Al8 consists of a network of Al which forms quasi cage-like structure where the Pr and the Fe form chains of atoms along the c-axis. We propose... -
Doping dependence of the lattice and magnetic structures in La(2-x)Sr(x)CuIrO6
Double-perovskite iridates attract attention as they combine 5d and 3d magnetism, where spin-orbit coupling plays a significant role in determining a magnetic ground states.... -
Magnetic-field induced long-range spin order in quantum spin liquid candidate...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a novel state of matter where the spins are highly entangled with one another but fluctuate strongly down to zero temperature. It may be associated... -
Investigation of the phase diagram of Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O (WISH portion)
We propose using WISH and HRPD to examine the structure of the Ba1-xNaxTi2Sb2O phase diagram as a function of temperature. The primary goals are the determination of the... -
Investigation of Crystal and Magnetic Structures in high pressure synthesized...
Three new doubly ordered perovskites NaYMWO6 (M=Mn, Co & Ni) have been synthesized by high pressure and high temperature. Analysis of room temperature laboratory X-ray... -
Understanding magnetodielectric behaviour of Tb2BaNiO5 using Neutron Diffract...
The coupling between magnetic and electric degrees of freedom, in a single phase compound has been of intense research in recent literature, as the outcome would yield novel... -
Determining the magnetic structure of Na0.5Ca0.5Mn7O12: A candidate material ...
Magnetic and orbital ordering in the manganese based perovskites has been of huge interest in solid-state physics since the 1950's. More recently, the family of AA′3Mn4O12... -
Commensurate to incommensurate transition in triangular antiferromagnet PdCrO...
We propose to study an effect of uniaxial pressure on a magnetic structure of triangular antiferromagnet PdCrO2. The experiment will mark a technical milestone in development of... -
Magnetic structure and multiferroicity in metal-formate perovskites
The family of guanadinium metal formates (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu) are isostructural with the perovskites and are therefore of interest for potential applications: in particular,... -
Novel quantum spin liquid state in the S=3/2 dimer lattice in Ba3ZnRu2O9
We have discovered a novel type of quantum spin liquid in a hexagonal lattice of Ru5+ dimers in Ba3ZnRu2O9, where any traces of the Curie tail or glassy behavior have not been... -
Investigation of low temperature magnetic structure in vanadium dioxide compo...
We propose a study of the low temperature magnetic structure of vanadium dioxide (VO2) compounds using long-wavelength neutron diffraction measurements. This study directly...