Assessment of meso-micro offline coupling methodology based on driving CFDWin...
The dataset was used in the following publication: Sanz Rodrigo J, Churchfield M, Kosović B (2017) A methodology for the design and testing of atmospheric boundary layer models... -
GABLS 3 Diurnal-Cycle Benchmark for Wind Energy Applications
The dataset was produced for the GABLS3 model intercomparison benchmark for wind energy applications, which resulted in the following publication: Sanz Rodrigo J, Allaerts D,... -
Cross coupling between ferroelectricity and antiferromagnetism in the multife...
We propose to investigate the interplay of magnetic and structural properties in the multiferroic PbFe1/2Nb1/2O3 (PFN). PFN is the magnetic analogue of the archetypal lead based... -
Incommensurate-commensurate phase transitions in K2SeO4
Materials with incommensurate structures often show exotic properties (such as charge density waves). The development of reliable and efficient refinement techniques for such... -
Magnetoelastic coupling effect on multiferroic behaviors in different types o...
We propose to perform high resolution neutron diffraction on powder samples of the frustrated antiferromagnets Ag1-xCuxFe1-yGayO2 using HRPD. CuFe1-yGayO2 and AgFeO2 have... -
muSR in the presence of significant spin-orbit coupling
The great majority of known muonium defect centres and muonium substituted organic radicals have essentially spin-only magnetism, with few exhibiting any noticeable departure... -
Local structure and electron-phonon coupling in phosphors for next-generation...
This proposal requests 4 days on Tosca to investigate the local structure and vibrational properties of phospors for solid state white lighting. The key objective is to... -
Investigation of carrier transport in the organic semiconductor 8-hydroxy-qui...
Using the Emu spectrometer at ISIS we have recently studied charge carrier transport in the technologically important molecule 8-hydroxy-quinoline aluminium, by probing the... -
Dynamics of trehalose-glycerol and lysozyme/trehalose-glycerol mixtures
The proposed experiment aims to study the dynamics of trehalose/glycerol mixtures and lysozyme in presence of trehalose/glycerol mixtures at different relative concentration.... -
A µSR study of the charge density wave superconductor CuxTiSe2.
Superconductivity and the charge density wave (CDW) are two very different cooperative electronic phenomena. However, both occur because of Fermi surface instabilities and... -
Magnetoelectric coupling in the polycrystalline ceramic BiFeO3 - PbTiO3
There are a number of room temperature multiferroics based on BiFeO3. The BiFeO3 - PbTiO3 (BFPT) system shows ferroelectric and antiferromagnetic ordering at room temperature... -
Inelastic neutron scattering in the Ce3Co4Sn13 heavy Fermion compound
We propose to use the OSIRIS spectrometer to measure the inelastic magnetic scattering on the newly discovered heavy Fermion compound Ce3Co4Sn13. This compound has one of the... -
Strain/order parameter coupling and anomalous elastic properties of Sr(Ti,Zr)...
HRPD data will be collected in situ at low and high temperatures from perovskites belonging to the Sr(ZrxTi1-x)O3 solid solution which have recently been characterised for their... -
Direct measurement of magnetoelectric coupling - a new room temperature multi...
We have recently performed muon measurements on a member of a new class of multiferroic materials. We have shown that there is hysteretic behaviour to the internal field... -
Investigation of the relevancy of the ¿strong coupling hot-spot¿ model of org...
A recent theoretical model has been proposed [Nat Phys 6, 615 (2011)] to explain MR in organic spin valves. It describes a coupling between the spacer and the FM electrode that... -
Investigation of the effect of increased spin-orbit coupling on the performan...
We wish to perform PNR measurements on organic spin valve devices to assess the effect on the device performances of the spin relaxation mechanisms related to spin-orbit... -
Spin-Lattice coupling in Frustrated Triangular Lattice Antiferromagnet AFeO2 ...
Back up experiment to fill gap in the schedule if beamtime is available -
The ground state of a Kondo ion: V dissolved in the noble metal Au.
The 'non-magnetic' ground state of a Kondo ion is generally believed to consist of the localised spin surrounded by a compensating cloud of conduction electrons coupled... -
Analysis of magnetic properties via the F-mu-F state in inorganic flourides
Here we propose to investigate the fluroide containing compounds - AgF2, CuF2 and Cs2CuF4. By taking advantage of the F-mu-F coupling wich occurs in these compounds, we will... -
From giant magneto-elastic coupling to negative thermal expansion
We recently used high-resolution neutron diffraction on HRPD to observe the largest magneto-elastic coupling ever seen in a metallic magnet. The material studied was CoMnSi, a...