X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Ju5-119 (4x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Ju5-104 (4x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Ju5-52 (10x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Ju5-52 (4x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Ju5-13 (10x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Ju5-13 (4x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Col-N-18 (10x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Col-N-18 (4x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
X-CT volume of a mineral inclusion within diamond Col-N-4 (4x objective)
Micron-scale X-CT of a mineral inclusion within a diamond. Comprised of breyite (CaSiO3) and perovskite (CaTiO3). Measurements were conducted at the I13 beamline of Diamond... -
High-energy excitations in a spin orbital liquid on the diamond lattice
This proposal is part of our research programme on spin and orbital order in frustrated systems. The spinel FeSc2S4 realises an exotic ¿spin-orbital liquid¿ with no magnetic or... -
Searching for the missing phase of SrTiO3; commissioning a new cryogenic pres...
Generating pressure above 1GPa for neutron diffraction typically requires the use of a Paris-Edinburgh press. Whilst the presses operate very reliably at ambient temperature,... -
Diamond anvil cell for a combined X-ray and neutron diffraction study of glycine
High pressure is a powerful thermodynamic tool, like temperature, to vary the properties and structure of materials. X-ray and neutron diffraction can be used to measure certain... -
Investigation of single crystal diamond detectors at high temperature under i...
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Surface properties of nanodiamonds produced by the laser assisted technique
Diamond nanoparticles (nanodiamonds) are a constituent of diverse systems including interstellar dusts and meteorites or carbonaceous residues of detonation. Nanodiamonds have a... -
Surface properties of nanodiamonds produced by the laser assisted technique
Diamond nanoparticles (nanodiamonds) are a constituent of diverse systems including interstellar dusts and meteorites or carbonaceous residues of detonation. Nanodiamonds have a... -
mSR Study on the Electronic States of Heavily Doped Synthesis Diamonds
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Investigation of the excitation spectrum in the 1D distorted diamond chain Az...
We propose to investigate the excitation spectrum of azurite in both zero field and applied fields up to 7T. Using inelastic neutrons on OSIRIS we hope to clearly resolve the... -
Thermal ionization of bond-centred muonium in diamond
Our previous LF-µSR measurements in natural type Ia single crystal diamond showed some evidence of the ionization of bond-centred muonium (MuBC) from around 1000K. This was... -
Polyamorphism in Glassy GeO2
The object of this proposal is to determine, by using neutron diffraction, the nature of the polyamorphic phase transition that occurs in glassy GeO2 with increasing pressure.... -
High and Low Temp Comissioning on PEARL
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