83 datasets found

Keywords: reklam

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  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Reklam och samhällsförändring 1950-1975

    This study is part of a research program about cultural indicators in Sweden, 'Kulturindikatorer: Svensk symbolmiljö 1945-1975'. Primarily the study is about the imagination of...
  • Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1983

    This dataset is the result of the first step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish...
  • Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund hösten 1985

    This dataset is the result of the second step in a survey with the aim of describing and analyzing the introduction of cable TV in Sweden. During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish...
  • Kabel-TV i framväxt - En undersökning av allmänheten i Lund, panel 1983-1985

    During the autumn of 1983 the Swedish Telecommunications Administration (Televerket) put trial networks for cable television into operation in Lund. One of the reasons that Lund...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1987

    This dataset contains information from the second SOM-survey. The questionnaire was divided into seven subject fields: Mass media; politics and society; energy and nuclear...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1989

    This dataset contains information from the fourth SOM-survey. The questionnaire was divided into seven subject fields: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power...
  • SIFO 1982: Bilismens politiska villkor

    The Swedish Institute of Public Opinion Research (SIFO) carried out this survey at the request of two motor organizations, the Motor Industry Association and the Swedish...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1996

    Since 1986 the research project ´Samhälle Opinion Massmedia´ (SOM) has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the eleventh...
  • Mediebarometern 1997

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Mediebarometern 1998

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Mediebarometern 1999

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Mediebarometern 1999_2

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Mediebarometern 2000

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Mediebarometern 2001

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Mediebarometern 2002

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2005

    Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twentieth survey in this series. The SOM-institute...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 2006

    Since 1986 the SOM-institute has been carrying out an annual nation-wide survey of Swedish opinions. This is accordingly the twentyfirst survey in this series. The SOM-institute...
  • Mediebarometern 2005

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The study intends to highlight the proportion of the Swedish population...
  • Mediebarometern 2006

    The first Media Barometer was conducted in 1979 and since then the survey has been carried out annually. The purpose is to explore how the Swedish population is using different...
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