Spontaneous surface multilayer formation in oligoamine ¿ surfactant mixtures
This proposal is part of a major EPSRC (EP/GR065705)/Unilever funded programme to develop and control the spontaneous formation of surfactant multilayer structures at... -
Kinetics of surfactant multilayer formation / dissolution at interfaces
The formation of multilayer structures at surfaces and interfaces from self-assembly in mixed surfactant and in polymer / surfactant mixtures has been recently reported, and... -
Extreme Synergistic mixing in Biosurfactant ionic surfactant mixtures
The biobased economy growing substantially and pressure to reduce reliance on palm and crude oil derived materials, demand that Home and Personal Care industries develops... -
Competitive adsorption of a Biosurfactant conventional surfactant mixture at ...
We propose to study the competitive adsorption of a biosurfactant conventional surfactant mixture at the surface of an emulsion droplet in order to determine how these two... -
Solubilisation of Drug Molecules in Nonionic Surfactant Micelles: Structural ...
This proposal aims to understand how the structure of non-ionic surfactant micelles affects the amount of fungicides solubilised. SANS is a technique unique for unravelling the... -
Ibuprofen containing surfactant monolayers: location and stiochiometry of ibu...
An increasing number of potential drug molecules are extremely water insoluble, limiting their commercialisation as medicines. Solubilisation of drug in surfactant micelles is a... -
Determination of the absorbed amount and location of a hydrophobic drug in su...
Many drugs are both poorly water-soluble (hydrophobic) and lipophilic in nature and are therefore incorporated into surfactant micelles and monolayers. As the incorporation of... -
Effect of oxidation on lipid raft formation: an off-specular neutron reflecti...
The very heterogeneous, but non-random, arrangement of lipids and proteins in cell membranes, known as rafts are of major scientific interest. Lipids in cell membranes are... -
Oil disperse phospholipid stabilised microemulsions prepared using non-aqueou...
It is the aim of the proposal is to perform small angle neutron scattering (SANS) studies combined with contrast variation to determine the size and structure of the... -
Multi-component mixtures of biosurfactants and conventional surfactants
This proposal is about the development of sustainable detergency based formulations, based on the blending of biosurfactants and conventional surfactants, and is part of a CASE... -
Neutron reflection study of effects of non-ionic alkyl ethoxylates on model w...
We propose to use NR to study the structural features of the model wheat wax films formulated from the known main components of long chain primary alcohols and an ester. By... -
Ion Layering at the Graphene Electrode Surface for Supercapacitors
This proposal aims to combine the approaches of several successful recent neutron reflection studies by our group to directly measure ion layering at electrode surfaces. In this... -
Probing the structure of polymer stabilised foams
Polyurethane foams (PUFs) are commonly prepared by mixing Pluronic type copolymers and isocyanate reactive monomers in the presence of additives e.g. catalysts, blowing agent... -
Probing the internal structure of gene delivery vehicles using contrast varia...
Gene delivery vehicles, known as LPD complexes, prepared from mixing cationic lipid vesicles (L) with cationic peptide (P) and DNA (D) have proven to be very effective at... -
Surface adsorption in multi-component biosurfactant-surfactant mixtures
This proposal is about the development of sustainable detergency based formulations, based on the blending of biosurfactants with conventional surfactants, and is part of a CASE... -
SANS studies on the structures of non-ionic surfactant micelles with/without ...
SANS is about the only technique that can determine the size and shape of surfactant micelles and the subsequent changes upon pesticide solubilisation. The aim of this work is... -
Effect of polar solvent on the structure of monolayers of phospholipid
It is the aim of the proposal is to perform neutron reflectivity (NR) studies combined with contrast variation to determine the structure of phospholipid monolayers on a... -
Steroidal drug containing dodecyl sulphate monolayers: effect of counterion
An number of potential drugs, including steroidal drugs are extremely water insoluble, limiting their commercialisation as medicines. Solubilisation of drug in surfactant... -
Adsorption of liquid crystal nanostructured particles to model hydrophilic an...
Cubosomes and hexosomes are particles with internal liquid crystal structures of the bicontinuous cubic or reverse hexagonal nanostructures respectively. The nanostructure... -
Lipopolysaccharide Functions as Bacterial Receptors to Antimicrobial Peptides
Neutron reflection (NR) is well established for studying molecular films such as lipid monolayers. Its high depth resolution combined with deuterium labelling can determine the...