Functionele ongeletterdheid in Nederland 1990


Nature and extent of adult illiteracy among the Dutch, Moroccan, Surinam end Turkish population in the Netherlands. 1. Native country / age at which r. came to the Netherlands / whether r. ever went back to his-her native country for a period longer than 6 months / education in the Netherlands, Surinam, Morocco, Turkey / whether r. is attending any classes / 2. Speaking and understanding of the Dutch language: importance of speaking Dutch in different situations/ frequency and ability of speaking Dutch/ ability to understand Dutch / 3. Writing and reading: absenteeism at the elementary school in the Netherlands/ whether r. got extra lessons in reading/ satisfaction with reading lessons/ whether r. was a good, an average or a weak pupil / language in which r. learned to read and to write/ language r. is using most frequently for writing and reading/ following classes to improve writing in Dutch/ whether r. is familiar with the recently developed type of adult education: 'basic education' ( basis educatie ) / interest in this type of adult education / 4. Writing and reading skills ( readings tests ) / writing - and reading ability of figures and words: frequency and importance / writing - and reading ability of instructions for use: frequency and importance / reading ability of fiction and its importance / reading ability of short-extensive advertisements, short-extensive announcements, short-extensive official letters, and public information: importance and frequency / reading ability of tv - and film subtitles: frequency and importance.Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ housing situation/ occupation/employment/ education

Metadata Access
Creator C. Doets; P. Groen
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin; Stuurgroep Internationaal Jaar van de Alfabetisering * Amersfoort (research initiator); SVE * Amersfoort (data collector)
Publication Year 2013
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/restrictedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format text/xml; application/zip; application/octet-stream; text/x-fixed-field; application/pdf; text/tab-separated-values
Size 1769; 19612; 67693; 745562; 4881021; 1296421
Version 3.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences