Rising powers Part 2 - Social equality forum Russia: Focus group transcripts


This data collection consists of transcripts from 12 focus group discussions on themes related to social equality in Russia. The focus group discussions were conducted by the Institute of Applied Politics in Moscow, directed by Dr Kryshtanovskaya; using a discussion guide written by the Investigators. They were held in 12 cities chosen to represent different regions of the country, with an emphasis on provincial cities: Ufa, Kaliningrad, Ekaterinburg, Tiumen, Saratov, Ulyanovsk, Volgograd, Ivanovo, Irkutsk, Obolensk, Vladivostok and Protvino. The respondents included a mix of ages, genders, blue and white collar workers. The focus groups in Protvino and Ulyanovsk were held only for respondents age 18-29. The focus group discussions dealt with household and national economic change, perceptions of social fairness, and welfare values. Specifically, respondents were asked about the state of the national and local economies, their household economy, how they define rich and poor people and how they position themselves in relation to these categories. They were asked about whether they perceived differences in wealth between individuals, regions and between urban and rural areas as fair, and whether such differences are increasing or decreasing. Finally they were asked about whether the rich should take more responsibility for the welfare of the poor, about their own personal responsibility and that of the state and businesses, as well as about progressive income taxes and the degree to which the state should control the economy. The discussion guide is provided in Russian and English. Basic information about the respondents, including gender, age, and occupation are provided at the top of each focus group transcript. Each participant is identified by their given name only. The transcripts are provided in Russian. The Russian text was transcribed by the Institute of Applied Politics from audio files. A parallel set of focus groups was conducted in China and are available as the collection Social equality forum China: Focus group transcripts (see Related Resources). Taken together, Russia and China account for 41 per cent of the total territory of the BRICs and 63 per cent of their GDP/PPP. On Goldman Sachs projections China will be the world’s largest economy by 2050, and Russia its sixth largest. The project will seek to examine the following propositions: (1) that these two BRIC countries are becoming increasingly unequal; (2) that within them, political power and economic advantage are increasingly closely associated; (3) that their political systems have increasingly been employed to ensure that no effective challenge can be mounted to that combination of government position and economic advantage; (4) that set against a broader comparative perspective, an increasingly unequal society in which government is effectively immune from conventional challenge is likely to become increasingly regressive, or unstable, or both. Evidence will be drawn from official statistics, interviews with policy specialists and government officials, two dozen focus groups, and an analysis of the composition of the management boards of the largest companies in both countries. A final part of the analysis will employ crossnational evidence to test a series of hypotheses relating to the association between inequality and political instability on a more broadly comparative basis.

Focus group discussions held in 12 Russian cities with 6 participants each drawn from a range of ages, both genders and different professions. Two focus groups were held for respondents age 18-29 only.

DOI https://doi.org/10.5255/UKDA-SN-852592
Metadata Access https://datacatalogue.cessda.eu/oai-pmh/v0/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_ddi25&identifier=d0d216dd8491effac182ae434555957f41954c3e60c2bceadd17bf75af9fd807
Creator White, S, University of Glasgow; Kryshtanovskaya, O, Institute of Sociology, Russian Academy of Sciences; Munro, N, University of Glasgow
Publisher UK Data Service
Publication Year 2017
Funding Reference Economic and Social Research Council
Rights Stephen White, University of Glasgow. Neil Munro, University of Glasgow; The Data Collection is available for download to users registered with the UK Data Service.
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Text
Discipline Social Sciences
Spatial Coverage Russia