Assessing specific features of Dutch lower vocational education, their effects on its pupils and implications for future organization and integration of secondary education. P0972a: General characteristics of schools / organization / number of pupils / number of forms / exam results / school careers / dropout / input-output. P0972b: School manager / detailed data on coaching and supervision of pupils / staff involved in coaching / organization / individual assistance / remedial teaching / external expert help / formal planning / regular meetings / special training for staff members / detailed data on subjects taught. P0972c: Teachers / subject / method used / way of coping with different speed or level of pupils / theory versus practice in teaching / extra coaching of pupils / own education / teacher worked outside educational field / didactics. P0972d: Pupils: opinions on mathematics, general techniques, physics / motivation / relevance. P0972e: Pupils intelligence tests: TIB / achievement motivation: PMT-K / fear of failure: PMT-K. P0972f: pupils: mathematics test. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education