The following files are available :
Table S1. Molecular ions selected for GC-MS analysis.
Table S2. Characteristics of the primers used in this study.
Table S3. RNAseq data and functional annotation of genes involved in BCAA, Lys and Tyr catabolism in B. napus.
Table S4. Complete dataset for the qPCR analysis of BCAA, Lys and Tyr catabolism and the biochemical characterization of L13, L7 and L3 leaves.
Table S5. Mean 13C enrichment and isotopologue abundance of organic and amino acids after the incorporation of U-13C-labelled BCAA and Tyr in L13, L7 and L3 leaves.
Table S6. 13C allocation to organic and amino acids after the incorporation of U-13C-labelled BCAA and Tyr in L13, L7 and L3 leaves.
Table S7. Complete dataset for the qPCR analysis of BCAA, Lys and Tyr catabolism and the biochemical characterization of L7 leaves during dark-induced senescence.
Table S8. Mean 13C enrichment and isotopologue abundance of organic and amino acids after the incorporation of U-13C-labelled BCAA and Tyr during dark-induced senescence.
Table S9. 13C allocation to organic and amino acids after the incorporation of U-13C-labelled BCAA and Tyr during dark-induced senescence.
A "supplemental figures" file containing:
Fig. S1. Stability of the chlorophyll index for the leaves selected for the different experiments.
Fig. S2. Example of calibration curves used for absolute quantification by GC-MS.
Fig. S3. Measurement accuracy of carbon isotopologue distributions (CID) for the molecular ions detected by GC-MS.
Fig. S4. Evaluation of three reference genes for qPCR analysis on the leaves L13, L7 and L3.
Fig. S5. Evaluation of three reference genes for qPCR analysis on dark-induced senescence samples.
Fig. S6. Stability of the chlorophyll and soluble protein contents for the leaves L13, L7 and L3 selected for 13C-labelling experiments.
Fig. S7. Impact of the “leaf disc” experimental setup on the expression of markers genes for BCAA catabolism.
Fig. S8. Evidence for the incorporation of U-13C-labelled Val, Leu, Ile and Tyr in B. napus leaf discs.
Fig. S9. Evidence for the labelling pattern of Leu during U-13C-Val incorporation.
Fig. S10. Mean 13C enrichment of metabolites related to the TCA cycle during incorporation of U-13C-labelled metabolic probes in sink and source leaves of B. napus.
Fig. S11. Carbon isotopologue distribution of TCA cycle intermediates after incorporation of U-13C-labelled BCAA and Tyr into L13, L7 and L3 leaves.
Fig. S12. Dark respiration measured by CO2 production after a 24h incorporation of 10 mM Ala, Pro, Val, Leu or Ile.
Fig. S13. Experimental setup for dark-induced senescence (DIS) and associated measurements.
Fig. S14. Mean 13C enrichment of metabolites related to the TCA cycle during incorporation of U-13C-labelled metabolic probes during dark-induced senescence in B. napus.
Fig. S15. Evidence for the biosynthesis of Leu from U-13C-Val in different conditions.
Fig. S16. Evidence for a low contribution of PEPc to the incorporation of 13CO2 into Glutamate biosynthesis