Replication Data for Chapter 5: Powering Structural Transformation and Productivity Gains in Africa - The Role of Global Value Chains and Resource Endowments


Replication data and Readme file for Chapter 5 of the thesis

Metadata Access
Creator Owusu, Solomon ORCID logo
Publisher DataverseNL
Contributor Notten, Ad; Owusu, Solomon
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC0 Waiver; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact Notten, Ad (Maastricht University); Owusu, Solomon (UNU-MERIT, Maastricht University)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/x-stata-syntax; application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet; text/plain; application/vnd.flographit
Size 5795; 7077; 18061; 818873; 36554880; 49646038; 6881354; 163913870; 228202; 35988715; 49657888; 6881936; 161743200; 227077; 38838660; 49770471; 6886569; 174303043; 227727; 37530367; 49772872; 6886405; 172235359; 228160; 38060229; 49769971; 6886296; 170203084; 227587; 38852398; 49779148; 6886711; 171692245; 229403; 39885515; 49779758; 6887067; 176551948; 229919; 40452655; 49775868; 6886978; 178722130; 229586; 39895028; 49768102; 6886019; 176405461; 230872; 40176416; 49774904; 6886439; 178191834; 230080; 39428466; 49336813; 6861928; 174961501; 229764; 40293670; 50452040; 6906922; 177804434; 230993; 41196635; 51127664; 6926242; 183259707; 232537; 40746373; 51123340; 6925981; 178775289; 232708; 40985213; 51134069; 6926362; 178896447; 234267; 42272668; 51133759; 6926069; 184464462; 236804; 40856604; 51151091; 6926496; 178040925; 236975; 40759126; 51146939; 6926411; 177640272; 239030; 40514949; 51068286; 6923640; 176927035; 241362; 41919714; 51039523; 6922770; 182167161; 240706; 42379668; 51048229; 6923249; 183611908; 241626; 41912478; 51045727; 6923212; 181863355; 243147; 42042339; 51040557; 6923304; 182422019; 243124; 41831358; 51037550; 6923310; 181682495; 243902; 41817887; 50950654; 6923311; 181787986; 244942; 42023490; 50186034; 6923267; 183307877; 244762; 16703; 16396; 16107; 73496; 147161; 229691; 262; 699; 3817
Version 1.1
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences