Results of the fifth population census in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, December 1869


The dataset is based on the population census of the Netherlands of 1869 published in 3 vols.Content: images of the publication, searchable pdf files of the text sections and excel files with data entered from the published tables.

In 1999, to celebrate the jubilee of 100 years of the Statistics Netherlands, the publications with the results of all Dutch censuses of 1795, 1830, 1840, 1849, 1859, 1869, 1879, 1889, 1899, 1909, 1919, 1920, 1930, 1947, 1956, 1960 and 1971 have been scanned. In addition, the census data of the jubilee year 1899 have been entered in a database.The data served for a creation of two sets of CD's published by the Statistics Netherlands:Set 1: Data en publicatie volkstelling 1899. Two cd-rom's. ISBN 90.6861.176.3 (see 2: Publicaties volkstellingen 1795-1971. Five cd-rom's, ISBN 90.6861.177.1 (see

De Excel-tabellen van de Volkstelling 1869 zijn aan de hand van het bronmateriaal gecorrigeerd door Tom Vreugdenhil. De nieuwe versies van de tabellen van de Volkstelling 1869 zijn op 2 januari 2017 aan deze dataset toegevoegd.

Tot februari 2015 waren de gescande bladen enkel als afgeleide JPEG-bestanden bij deze dataset gepubliceerd. Op 25 februari 2015 zijn de scans van de bladen in de originele hoge kwaliteit TIFF-bestanden bij de dataset geplaatst en in plaats van de lagere kwaliteit JPEG-bestanden beschikbaar gesteld.

Up until February 2015, the images of the publications were only published as low-quality JPEG images. On February 25th, 2015, the original high-quality TIFF images were also added to the dataset file content and published instead of the lower quality JPEG images.

Metadata Access
Creator Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS); NIWI - KNAW
Publisher DANS Data Station Social Sciences and Humanities
Contributor Data Station Admin; P.K. Doorn (research initiator); T. Vreugdenhil
Publication Year 2013
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact Data Station Admin (DANS)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/msword; application/pdf; image/tiff; application/zip; application/
Size 31232; 372964; 68096; 249730; 17663; 100358; 195413; 188572; 183330; 186364; 165596; 170538; 149547; 142958; 160160; 13797; 152366; 147007; 148660; 152629; 145593; 141774; 143790; 140611; 141471; 138445; 144201; 142641; 151287; 139896; 141151; 154368; 155134; 168688; 161167; 152669; 152952; 146649; 155400; 154158; 152722; 152624; 159191; 149979; 149414; 157855; 114019; 143841; 156253; 144435; 158514; 148237; 148790; 143337; 148327; 140723; 150500; 140219; 137397; 139093; 150751; 162560; 142325; 141571; 141936; 144849; 153601; 139874; 146348; 151900; 149462; 149790; 147402; 138667; 143177; 144845; 103422; 144295; 145094; 150894; 147577; 144344; 145013; 143815; 150985; 150984; 114298; 147929; 151522; 147681; 143304; 149947; 120906; 147657; 151655; 150307; 148459; 155335; 151656; 152856; 155969; 145680; 103945; 147654; 154407; 147445; 153796; 143615; 152950; 156391; 148663; 161453; 149430; 148637; 170800; 156992; 164157; 160123; 108020; 147975; 159289; 152109; 144245; 152227; 122241; 146027; 153379; 165251; 155427; 142956; 148129; 144759; 159075; 145810; 138748; 145906; 143348; 145111; 141970; 160734; 110654; 164431; 16653; 220900; 217085; 227421; 180612; 240606; 226856; 213510; 206331; 200194; 211560; 185786; 180994; 192410; 194795; 149375; 149777; 130917; 155056; 114478; 159040; 145090; 126497; 150089; 106434; 126745; 125133; 117313; 134463; 114464; 67001; 158830; 163460; 168884; 144478; 166915; 171081; 111197; 174346; 169266; 169353; 175293; 162071; 172210; 148736; 154110; 148239; 155042; 161880; 127514; 192885; 141480; 132567; 138519; 118551; 138800; 155904; 174890; 125452; 202781; 117655; 118621; 118964; 103405; 118417; 130426; 82995; 126999; 125617; 120014; 137277; 130649; 130524; 112858; 110578; 113114; 117199; 122325; 103654; 141074; 115940; 103665; 103877; 92421; 107306; 107037; 112448; 91098; 157546; 20061; 181436; 139612; 154762; 142501; 137149; 96058; 65721; 7231; 18644; 81694; 182171; 171868; 112810; 189363; 147183; 205276; 194469; 179014; 212084; 80074; 122423; 116220; 214641; 144902; 141172; 12241; 213792; 187214; 158390; 120650; 181624; 180050; 133960; 52524; 133890; 158951; 144796; 53815; 101449; 102274; 74699; 105310; 105539; 68076; 207953; 201965; 196599; 140720; 48126; 174814; 173940; 160211; 153261; 122021; 100684; 130385; 117559; 99684; 85344; 141149; 138436; 109934; 49368; 121799; 120934; 97282; 42113; 107743; 125989; 114170; 51179; 99900; 111266; 97893; 45154; 98727; 92558; 62034; 93117; 83176; 48350; 100502; 93558; 66793; 88153; 83989; 45879; 156614; 158069; 144103; 112346; 40852; 136227; 130039; 121296; 101053; 38905; 11558; 159976; 141723; 178745; 172443; 162676; 144020; 147869; 148620; 136574; 123868; 126804; 143949; 126266; 97471; 50211; 30515; 20352; 86888; 153859; 126195; 124994; 116319; 116379; 114134; 81992; 68907; 77470; 98399; 81588; 85908; 131912; 95468; 143519; 107747; 85191; 93957; 78097; 100006; 105423; 94239; 104617; 108863; 142406; 154674; 150563; 133627; 144518; 103322; 93472; 119655; 123120; 158208; 129756; 127016; 110933; 117997; 102303; 145391; 119057; 138556; 140969; 115436; 100847; 92741; 74578; 182760; 130413; 89585; 140003; 136426; 137457; 132763; 96571; 96809; 101971; 108785; 82008; 169348; 136746; 130793; 134058; 127207; 121618; 89280; 143534; 105478; 105021; 91274; 139901; 154605; 184688; 154004; 104847; 112100; 157837; 109030; 128336; 119091; 204014; 119153; 126257; 90371; 137376; 138493; 146111; 143763; 130285; 120665; 144484; 129396; 101142; 88007; 80860; 102139; 95273; 58649; 79165; 228611; 2850304; 429568; 406528; 548352; 482304; 163840; 11993763; 797696; 346624; 8064374; 560128; 658432; 1152512; 7379854
Version 2.0
Discipline Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture; Agriculture, Forestry, Horticulture, Aquaculture and Veterinary Medicine; Humanities; Life Sciences; Social Sciences; Social and Behavioural Sciences; Soil Sciences