Dataset for: "Shrub decline and expansion of wetland vegetation revealed by very high resolution land cover change detection in the Siberian lowland tundra"


Input materials, scripts and results for:- Trend analyses in MODIS Enhanced Vegetation Index for 2000-2019 in the Indigirka Lowlands, Sakha Republic, Russian federation.- Land Cover Change Detection of Vegetation Functional Groups in an Arcitc tundra site using very high resolution (0.5) satellite images in a focus area in the Kytalyk Reserve, Indigirka Lowlands over the period 2010-2019.

Date Submitted: 2021-03-04

Metadata Access
Creator R Í Magnússon ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor R.I. Magnússon
Publication Year 2021
Rights CC BY 4.0; info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess;
OpenAccess true
Contact R.I. Magnússon (Wageningen University & Research)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip; type/x-r-syntax; image/tiff; text/csv; application/dbf; audio/midi; application/vnd.mif; application/prj; application/shp; application/shx; application/x-rlang-transport; text/plain; application/octet-stream; application/sbn; application/sbx
Size 65618; 14639; 84218002; 84312066; 4060; 4525; 1904; 11244; 8596; 3114; 17219491; 17119900; 17254912; 17292985; 17106170; 17112454; 17012092; 17378290; 17442202; 17300604; 17409152; 17515937; 17274013; 17253374; 17256539; 17116983; 17385571; 17441543; 17284016; 17211404; 12505; 147; 38; 4518; 145; 2508; 108; 246; 2614; 5841; 3710319; 3674025; 3612549; 1224; 76; 2; 3742; 1852; 5; 9430; 2009; 125921; 1700; 252; 64180; 1300; 10484; 2235; 147885; 1844; 260; 75152; 1436; 10732; 2300; 199545; 1876; 99740; 1468; 18792; 4050; 326903; 3324; 444; 163948; 22636; 4915; 435347; 3820; 217132; 3004; 25860; 5609; 470552; 4244; 452; 235408; 3420; 3850; 790; 50820; 732; 132; 25896; 580; 3974; 823; 58780; 748; 29744; 596; 4160; 857; 60682; 772; 30744; 620
Version 2.0
Discipline Earth and Environmental Science; Environmental Research; Geosciences; Life Sciences; Medicine; Natural Sciences