Final data for the mega meta project


It is key to understand the etiology and risks for the onset, relapse, and chronicity of common mental disorders to identify people at risk and improve preventive and acute treatment interventions. However, there is a lack of overview of the evidence for factors that predict or are related to common mental disorders. Due to a big data problem, it is impossible to synthesize all evidence using traditional systematic reviews.The mega meta project, funded by Centre for Urban Mental Health and a cooperation between Amsterdam UMC, University of Utrecht, and University of Amsterdam, is a large systematic review that aimed to synthesize (meta-analyze) all prospective evidence for factors, mechanisms of change and interaction of factors related to the onset, maintenance, and relapse/recurrence of three common mental disorders: Anxiety, substance use, and depressive disorders. The systematic searches, selection, and data checks were conducted using ASReview between June 2021 and July 2022.The final dataset of this mega meta project contains all included studies. This DANS dataset is the result of Final data:During the postprocessing stage: dois have been retrieved; 'the data has been deduplicated based on both doi's and a conservative deduplication strategy; and, the labels have been updated according to two quality checks.The final data is then created titled megameta_asreview_quality_checked.xlsx.Several subsets of data have been created:- megameta_asreview_only_potentially_relevant.xslxContains only those records which were marked as relevant for one (or more) topics.- megameta_asreview_partly_labelled.xslxContains all records and a column called label_included, which is an exact copy of the composite_label_corrected. ASReview will reckognize the labels and a model will be trained on this subset of papers which can used to continue screening- megameta_asreview_potentially_relevant_anxiety.xlsxContains only those records that were marked as relevant for the anxiety subject.- megameta_asreview_potentially_relevant_depression.xlsxContains only those records that were marked as relevant for the depression subject.- megameta_asreview_potentially_relevant_substance.xlsxContains only those records that were marked as relevant for the substance abuse subject.//If you want access to the database, please contact Dr. Brouwer:

Date Submitted: 2022-07-15

Metadata Access
Creator M.E. Brouwer ORCID logo
Publisher DANS Data Station Life Sciences
Contributor M.E. Brouwer; L. Hofstee (Utrecht University); S. van den Brand (Utrecht University); J. Teijema (Utrecht University); V. Melnikov (University of Amsterdam); G. Ferdinands (Utrecht University); B. Kramer (Utrecht University); J. de Boer (Utrecht University); F. Weijdema (Utrecht University); P. Lucassen (University of Amsterdam); P. Sloot (University of Amsterdam); K. Stronks (Amsterdam UMC); J. van Weert (University of Amsterdam); R. Wiers (University of Amsterdam); C.L.H. Bockting (Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam); R. van de Schoot (Utrecht University); J. de Bruin (Utrecht University)
Publication Year 2024
Rights DANS Licence; info:eu-repo/semantics/closedAccess;
OpenAccess false
Contact M.E. Brouwer (Amsterdam UMC)
Resource Type Dataset
Format application/zip; text/csv
Size 38326; 16342165; 370881195; 3936530; 7032348; 5845364; 370741089
Version 2.0
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine