This dataset is provided as supplementary material of the following article: Poinas I., Lavigne C., Dib H., Franck P., Delattre T., Said X., Gauffre B. (2025). Increased proportion of exclusion netting in the landscape affects pest damage in unnetted apple orchards. Journal of Applied Ecology.
The study aimed to investigate the local and landscape effects of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) exclusion nets, as well as their interactions, on the target pest and two non-target pests (rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea and woolly aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum).
The dataset includes codling moth damage and larvae, and the presence-absence of the two aphids in 23 pairs of organic orchards, located in the Lower Durance Valley, which is the main apple and pear production area in southern France. We also provide information on the use of exclusion nets in the orchards and the surrounding landscape composition, specifically the percentage of orchards and the percentage of orchards with nets.